Our Synod has experienced many seasons—ministry highs and heartbreaks, declines and closings, transitions and transformations. These seasons give way to new opportunities to overcome challenges and continuously strive to live like Christ in the neighborhoods where we live and serve. These seasons, through our justice and holy advocacy work, are how we evolve, remain relevant, and expand. Together, we move the mission forward.
To continue this important work, we need your support. Your generosity will help sustain our established churches and Synodically-Authorized Worshipping Communities, helping us to reach more people and build a more inclusive community where Jesus’s love, justice, and true connection lie. Together, we can ensure that these transitions bear fruit in the lives of many.
We invite you to do two things:
NO gift is too small, and every gift grows our faithfulness to the Gospel. When we are faithful and intentional, people have the opportunity to see God differently, and our ministries become advocates working on their behalf.
Together, we move the mission forward.
To download the
Mission Forward Generosity Letter, click
For more information, please contact
Branden Dupree, Director for Evangelical Mission (DEM), at
[email protected].