Recursos del gobierno durante el COVID-19
Nueva York:
- Recursos de la Ciudad de Nueva York: puede encontrar líneas directas y enlaces a servicios médicos, financieros, de vivienda, emocionales / espirituales, educativos, de inmigración haciendo click AQUÍ.
- Programa de subsidio de retención de empleados
- Guía para encontrar el plan de beneficios que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades, haga clic AQUÍ.
- ** A partir del 18/03/20, el Gobernador Cuomo anunció una suspensión de 30 días en toda DEUDA REFERIDA POR EL ESTADO (es decir, estudiante, médico, etc.) ** Para obtener más información, haga click AQUÍ.
- * a partir del 3/18 NY ha aprobado S.8091: un proyecto de ley que proporcionará licencia por enfermedad pagada de emergencia en todo el estado para aquellos sujetos a cuarentena / aislamiento debido a COVID19. Para más información, haga click AQUÍ.
- HEAP - Programa de asistencia energética para el hogar; brinda asistencia a familias de bajos ingresos o beneficios de emergencia para mantener su hogar en funcionamiento (gas, electricidad, etc.).
- TA: la asistencia temporal suministrada a través de Family Assistance (FA) proporciona asistencia en efectivo a familias necesitadas elegibles que incluyen a un niño menor que vive con un padre / tutor o Safety Net Assistance (SNA) proporciona asistencia en efectivo a personas necesitadas elegibles y familias que no son elegibles para FA (es decir, adultos solteros, parejas sin hijos, etc.).
- SNAP - El Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria “emite beneficios electrónicos que pueden usarse como efectivo para comprar alimentos. SNAP ayuda a las personas trabajadoras de bajos ingresos, las personas mayores, los discapacitados y otros a alimentar a sus familias. Los niveles de elegibilidad y beneficios se basan en el tamaño del hogar, los ingresos y otros factores ”.
- SBA - Asociación de Pequeñas Empresas - "La SBA trabajará directamente con los Gobernadores estatales para proporcionar préstamos específicos a bajo interés a pequeñas empresas y organizaciones sin fines de lucro que se hayan visto gravemente afectadas por el Coronavirus". Para más información, haga clic AQUÍ. Para asistencia por desastre, haga clic AQUÍ.
- NYC SBA específicamente: el siguiente enlace conduce a enlaces de solicitud para la “subvención de retención de empleados” de NYC y / o el “fondo de préstamos de continuidad para pequeñas empresas”. Click AQUÍ.
- Oficina de Comunidades Religiosas del Gobernador de Nueva York: Grants Gateway ofrece una ventanilla única para cualquier persona interesada en localizar oportunidades de financiamiento de subvenciones con agencias estatales. Las organizaciones sin fines de lucro pueden explorar o buscar oportunidades de financiamiento del Estado y se alienta a todas las agencias estatales a publicar oportunidades en el portal
- Orientación sobre los recursos y advertencias sobre coronavirus sobre estafas al consumidor del Fiscal General de Nueva York, haga click AQUÍ
- Asistencia de entrega de alimentos de la ciudad de Nueva York: para aquellos que no pueden abandonar sus hogares durante el CV
- NYS on PAUSE: puntos a emprender para ayudar a prevenir la propagación y protegerse de COVID19
Food Resources: *non-profits*
- NYC Dept. of Education – Free grab-and-go meals for all children Mon-Fri 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Click HERE for a resource that will help you locate a pick-up center nearest you.
- NYC Food Bank – for information on volunteering, advocacy, or to find a food bank near you please look at the map by clicking HERE.
- FoodPantries.Org – for info on local soup kitchen, food banks/pantries near you or subsidized groceries, click HERE.
- A digital guide on finding nutritious food during an emergency in NYC
- Hunger Free America (NYC) – For information on how/where to donate; benefits calculator, neighborhood guides to food assistance and programs in your area (multiple languages avail.), click HERE.
- World Central Kitchen – WCK is working with partners to safely distribute individually packaged fresh meals in communities that need support, for families to pick up and take home; click HERE for a list of restaurants distributing free, pre-packaged meals during lunchtime (times will vary) throughout the Bronx, Harlem, and Queens. Any restaurant or food truck looking to volunteer can sign up HERE.
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act: as of 3/18 most of this bill has passed in the House and Senate*
- *Treasury Secretary Mnuchin proposed cashback assistance to those not receiving funds; mailing checks as soon as 2 weeks from now
- Payroll tax cut for those receiving paychecks; less clear for gig/freelance/contract workers
- Requires employers paid 10-day sick leave if they are caught with the virus and 3-month paid med/family leave if quarantined or caring for a family member (exempt for companies w/ 500+ employees or gig workers)
- $500 million in food assistance for low-income mothers with young children and pregnant women
- $400 million into food banks and $250 million into a senior nutrition program
- Suspends work requirements for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for the duration of the crisis
- Disaster Unemployment Assistance
- "8 Steps to Take if You Can’t Make Ends Meet Because of the Coronavirus"
- "Paid leave, Unemployment Assistance: What the federal government is doing in response to the coronavirus pandemic"
- Contact your creditor to ask what they can do to help you during this time; maybe ask for a hardship plan
- Contact energy providers (i.e. ComEd, Duke Energy, FirstEnergy and PSE&G), they may offer assistance or payment deference
- Student Loans - contact your fed. loan provider for forbearance on interest during crisis
- Personal Loans - Banks, credit unions and online lenders like SoFi and Payoff offer loans of up to $20k to be paid over 3-5yrs; credit score will depend on APR
- The Everence Pastoral Financial Wellness Program – “offers ways to help you address your financial needs and goals – because when our pastors are healthy, our congregations also benefit”
- Send a temporary hardship letter if you are having difficulties paying bills such as a mortgage. Examples can be found HERE.
- Unemployment Assistance – (*vary by state)
- Information on Prevention for Elderly, and Disabled
- Resources for Non-Profit and Community Based Organizations: compilations of website/digital resources from Employment, Health&Safety, Business Guidance, Wellness and more
- Academy of Learning Arts and Sciences – Rapid Transition to Online Learning free program, includes (upon application completion): 12-step emergency transition plan, switching to teaching online video tutorial, transition support, volunteer to join the “rapid response team”
- The Journal: Free Resources for Online Learning During COVID-19 Outbreak – pages of free or low-cost resource for educators or parents to help supplement online learning for grades K-12 on varieties of topics from reading to coding and everywhere in between
- – this is an English blog site but all of the links should still work and are free to use. Offers sites with virtual field trip sites, foreign language learning tools, reading, science, music, prayer and more
- NYC Dept. Ed. – information on remote learning, suggestions on how provide access for students, etc.
Financial Assistance to Food Banks:
*some congregations have soup kitchens*
- Food Bank of Northeastern NY: Under the Operations Support Program; all available applications and contacts should be linked within the page. See the Grants & Grant Assistance page HERE.
- Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Program: “HUD provides flexible grants to help cities, counties, and States recover from Presidentially declared disasters, especially in low-income areas, subject to availability of supplemental appropriations” the following link may offer guidance over the CDBG HERE.
- The Foundation Group may assist in providing funding for any non-profit center
- The Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program may provide additional relief as it “provides Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) recipients with the ability to leverage their annual grant allocation to access low-cost, flexible financing for economic development, housing, public facility, and infrastructure projects. Communities can use Section 108 guaranteed loans to either finance specific projects or to launch loan funds to finance multiple projects over several years”
Mission Investment Fund & ELCA Federal Credit Union are offering special assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic
- As the investment and lending ministry of the ELCA, MIF has resources that can provide much-needed help for customers that may be experiencing financial hardship at this time—the congregations and ministries that have MIF loans as well as individual and congregation investors. The ELCA Federal Credit Union, too, is able to provide similar assistance to its members—ELCA pastors, members, congregations and ministries.
- The Mission Investment Fund is providing no-penalty access to term deposits for customers who need emergency access to their funds at this time. For congregations and other ministries that need assistance with loans, MIF can offer such relief as:
- Deferral of loan payments
- Interest-only loan payments
- Loan modifications
- Lines of credit
- New emergency loans
- To learn how MIF can help, contact MIF via phone, 877-886-3522, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Central time). Reach MIF via email at [email protected] or [email protected]
- The ELCA Federal Credit Union is providing similar assistance. For members of the Credit Union who need emergency access to their funds at this time, the Credit Union is providing no-penalty access to certificates of deposit. For individuals, congregations and other ministries needing assistance with loans, the Credit Union is prepared to offer:
- Deferral of loan payments
- Interest-only loan payments
- Loan modifications
- Expedited credit card issuance and lines of credit
- Expedited personal loans
- New emergency loans
- To discuss assistance from the ELCA Federal Credit Union, call 877-715-1111 or send an email to [email protected].
Families First Coronavirus Relief Act:
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program: $900 million in grants to states, territories and tribes to support immediate home energy assistance for low-income households affected by coronavirus. More info and contact info for state’s app HERE.
- Child Care and Development Block Grant: $3.5 billion in grants to states, territories and tribes for immediate assistance to child care providers to prevent them from going out of business and to otherwise support child care for families, including for healthcare workers, first responders, and others playing critical roles during this crisis. More info HERE.
- How to apply for a grant: HERE
- Community Services Block Grant: $1 billion in grants to states, territories and tribes to provide a wide-range of social services and emergency assistance for those who need it most. More info on GSBG HERE; application process/who to contact for your state HERE
- Helpful articles for understanding CARES: