
Global Refuge

Global Refuge

Dear Partners in Ministry,

Grace and peace to you this synod assembly season. At Global Refuge, we remain committed to the work of welcome, no matter the challenges.

For 85 years, Global Refuge (formerly known as Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service) has championed the work of welcome by providing support to immigrants and refugees as they rebuild their lives in the United States. Founded by heartbroken Lutherans in the United States who felt called to provide a home for those fleeing violence during the World Wars, Global Refuge has continued this good work, welcoming more than 800,000 newcomers since 1939.

Our mission states:

“As a witness to God’s love for all people, we stand with and advocate for migrants and refugees, transforming communities through ministries of service and justice.”

With help from Global Refuge, families are welcomed into their new homes with a hot meal, adults are enrolled in English language classes, children are enrolled in school, and Global Refuge partners guide newly arrived refugees in using public transportation and accessing community resources.

Unfortunately, on January 24, 2025, Global Refuge and the nine other national resettlement agencies received a stop-work order from the U.S. Department of State regarding funding for the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, effectively cutting off vital support to families who have already lawfully resettled in the United States. This stop-work order directly affects thousands of refugees who rely on resettlement services for essential support such as housing, food, English classes, and job placement.

While we anticipated a pause in the refugee resettlement program for future clients, this stop-work order for clients already in our care came as an unexpected blow. However, we remain steadfast in our holy work of welcome, holding firm to our mission and our hope in the promise of resurrection.

Despite these challenges, we are encouraged by the growing support from faith communities. More people of faith are getting involved in our work each year to meet the ever-growing need. In fact, 85 new faith communities became supporters of Global Refuge in 2024.

With the support of these new partners and Lutheran communities like yours, in 2024 we were able to...

  • Welcome 18,622+ refugees from countries across the world.
  • Empower and support 116 clients and 67 businesses through personal and business loans.
  • Open a new office in Mexico to expand our Camino A Casa programming and serve 1,017 clients starting again at home.
  • Write and distribute 10,000 Hope for the Holidays cards, sharing messages of welcome and hope with newcomers.
  • Engage 20,000+ youth at the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans, where we packed more than 1,000 welcome kits.

In a political season filled with anti-immigrant rhetoric, we have a unique opportunity to change the narrative and highlight all the gifts newcomers bring to our communities.

We invite you to join us in this work!

Thank you for your continued support. The many ways Lutheran communities embody Jesus’ ministry through the work of welcome are truly inspiring.

Go in peace. Welcome the stranger.

Deacon Sarah Kretschmann
Congregational Engagement Specialist

[email protected] | www.globalrefuge.org
