The ELCA, in partnership with Augsburg Fortress, will feature a free, online educational event that centers the voices of ELCA leaders of color. The event is open to all ELCA rostered ministers, lay leaders, and members.
Hosted by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF), the National Day of Racial Healing builds on the work of the Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation community partners, who champion the knowledge that to have racial equity, one must first have racial healing.
The WKKF explains Racial Healing and Racial Equity in these ways:
- “Racial healing is the experience shared by people when they speak openly and hear the truth about past wrongs and the negative impacts created by individual and systemic racism. Racial healing helps to build trust among people and restores communities to wholeness, enabling them to work together on changing current systems and structures that will affirm the inherent value of all people.”
- “Racial equity is the condition where people of all races and ethnicities can live in a society where a person’s racial identity does not determine how they are treated nor predict life outcomes. Achieving racial equity requires both systems transformation and racial healing.”
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