Saturday, April 30, 2022
09:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Redeemer Lutheran Church
90 Route 32 South
New Paltz, NY 12561
(845) 255-0051
Join us on Saturday, April 30th, 9am – 10:30am, as we gather together, in-person and online, for an introspective conversation with author the Rev. Dr. Donna Schaper that will challenge modern worshipers.
The steady decline in church membership has led to the sobering reality of the closure of hundreds of churches across the nation.
Join us on Saturday, April 30th, 9 AM – 10:30 AM, as we gather together, in-person and online, for an introspective conversation with author, the Rev. Dr. Donna Schaper, that will challenge modern worshipers to rethink how we might consider both figuratively and literally, clear out the pews. As we begin looking for ways to renew our communities' houses of worship in sustainable ways, we must also support the spiritual renewal of outward-focused, mission-driven congregations: a re-envisioning of our sacred spaces in ways that align with our ever-changing world, and a renewal of our “spiritual infrastructure” that is inviting to 'outsiders'.
For more information click the link, here.