“God saw everything that God had made, and indeed, it was very good” – Genesis 1:31
Now, more than ever, faithful spaces like The Naming Project are essential for the wellness and faith formation of young LGBTQ people.
We are committed to holding The Naming Project summer camp, keeping it a sacred week place where LGBTQ youth can move and grow and have their being. We will do so using our theme, Beautiful Things. Yes, even in these troubling times, there is beauty. From enjoying the beauty of creation, to arts & crafts exploring beauty and wonder, to music and songs that help us enjoy each other’s company and talents, and so much more, this summer will be a time to discover just how beautiful God’s creation, including us, can truly be!
The Naming Project Summer Camp is for youth 14-18 years old or those who have completed 8th-12th grades of any sexual orientation or gender identity or expression who are interested in discussing and understanding sexuality and gender in terms of their own spiritual journey and are excited to spend time with other teen campers and staff while canoeing, swimming, hiking, singing, doing arts and crafts.