Growing Deeply in Faith
So that all may grow deeper in faith through joyful engagement with the gospel in a Lutheran key, we envision that each and every ministry, program, process, initiative, and event of our synod—even business meetings!—will regularly and consistently include opportunities and formats for prayerful experiences of the means of grace.
Many have already experienced this initiative of our strategic plan. From now until 2020, you can look for experiential and educational events, resources, and initiatives that will highlight ways we can live more creatively and deeply into and out of the means of grace and our Lutheran tradition. As they become available, resources and guides will be published here for your use.
Reformation 500
We will kick off our commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation on October 31, 2016 with a joint Lutheran Catholic event and resources for congregations to host similar events. We anticipate speakers, worship events, and gatherings throughout 2017 for people to engage with tradition with an eye on greater unity in the future.
Find background, resources, and links to our online calendar of Reformation 500 events here.
Confession, Forgiveness, Reconciliation

In 2015-2016, we will focus on Confession, Forgiveness and Reconciliation, particularly the various rites used. We'll find ways to make the most of these rites and offer true experiences of reconciliation in our communities. Learn more about what you can expect this year by downloading this summary.
Resource List
Here are some resources to help in thinking about Confession, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation:
- Beyond the Rite by Rote: Going Deeper with Confession, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation
- Explorations: Bible Studies on Confession, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation
- A Lenten Bible Study from our Claimed Committee
- Guides for leaders and participants from our Conference of Deans
- Individual Confession and Forgiveness, a printable rite from ELW resources to help you reclaim a practice Martin Luther never wanted us in the church to lose!
- Learning from the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Bishop Rimbo's sermon from the 2015 Dean's Retreat
- The Office of the Keys, a Bible study for the 2013 Synod Assembly from Bishop Rimbo
- The Forgotten Language of Forgiveness, published in the April 2015 issue of The Lutheran.
- The Sad Stuff, a 2012 blog post from Bishop Rimbo about season of Lent and Confession & Forgiveness.
Mutual Conversation and Consolation

In 2014-2015, we are focusing on Mutual Conversation and Consolation, learning together how best to have grace-filled conversations. Download a summary, "Understanding Mutual Conversation and Consolation."
Resource List
- A Guide for Engaging in Mutual Conversation and Consolation
- Guiding Norms for Holy Conversations
- Brief New Testament Passages that Console and Proclaim the Gospel
- Reframing the Beatitudes in Light of Mutual Conversation and Consolation
- In the spirit of Mutual Conversation and Consolation: Indaba Toolkit and Indaba Quick Guide.
Cross Talk
This five-week Bible study series, based on the Sunday lectionary texts for Lent, also serves to unfold meanings of this year’s synodical emphasis on Mutual Conversation and Consolation in our life together. A goal of this resource offering is to create occasions to be engaged in the scriptures so that we may come to better understand conversational encounters as times when God communicates grace to us. Download Cross Talk here.
Download "A Theological Core: Communicating a Bold Lutheran Message."