Faith Resources


Do you have a prayer request?  Let us know


We're Praying for...

  • ​The family and friends of S. Dcn. Carol Germann, who died in Christ on December 20

  • The family and friends of The Rev. Johannes Wendt, who died in Christ on December 19

  • The family and friends of Pastor Thomas Hammond, who died in Christ on November 21. Pastor Hammond served the congregations of Grace Lutheran Church, Astoria, and the Church of Our Saviour, Manhasset, before relocating to Mexico in his retirement.

  • Areas affected by wildfires, storms and extreme weather

  • For peace among nations, especially Palestine and Israel, Myanmar, Iraq, Haiti, Russia and Ukraine, Burkina Faso, Sudan, and South Sudan

  • For victims of gun violence

  • For safety, protection, and compassion for all refugees, migrants, and those fleeing political violence

  • The well-being of asylum-seeking children in detention centers

  • Our BIPOC/MENA siblings who are experiencing and fighting against racism

  • Our work toward shaping a more inclusive church that welcomes and affirms all of God’s people, specifically our LGBTQIA+ siblings

  • All the ordained and lay women-identifying individuals serving in our synod and our church

  • The care of all God’s creation—the protection of nature’s wild spaces, the health of all waterways, the air we breathe, the safety of all God’s creatures, and strength for everyone fighting to protect our beautiful Earth

  • For the development of sustainable technology that protects both people and planet

  • Those affected by the ongoing violence in their schools, workplaces, and homes and for an end to this unceasing grief and senselessness

  • The anti-racism and anti-bias efforts in our synod as we strive to build a more inclusive and just community

  • Those struggling with grief, sickness, or injury

  • Those who have no one to pray for them and those in need of extra support

  • Our Synod Council officers and representatives

  • For public and political discourse that respects the dignity and humanity of all

  • For the gift of freedom in Christ that binds us to the needs and dignity of our neighbors

  • Peace and calm

  • Peace in this nation

  • Peace in our world

  • MNYS congregations, partners, and leaders

  • All of our congregations in the path of Holy Closure, in the hope that the Holy Spirit will help revive or transform them 



​O God,
Where hearts are fearful and constricted, grant courage and hope.
Where anxiety is infectious, grant peace and reassurance.
Where impossibilities close every door and window, grant imagination and resistance.
Where distrust twists our thinking and grants healing and illumination.
Where spirits are daunted and weak, grant soaring wings and strengthened dreams.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
Do you have a prayer request?  Let us know


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