MNYS Microsites


To enhance the Lutheran Church’s online visibility and to reinforce our commitment to engage and support all in our communities, the Office of the Bishop is introducing congregational microsites for interested congregations. A microsite is a website with a unique URL under that features a customized web address for your church. Once set up, your microsite will be fully designed and ready for your team to manage and enhance.

In today’s digital world, people constantly use their devices for various activities, including searching for churches to visit. A clean, well-designed microsite is crucial to showcase your church’s values, mission, events, and location information. Our microsites have user-friendly navigation with clear menus and links, creating a positive user experience.
Microsites are an excellent way to connect with members within the church community and extend outreach to neighborhoods, expanding your community engagement.
A healthy microsite represents a healthy congregation. A current, well-maintained site generates excitement, reflecting the in-church experience.
See a few of our microsites:
We hope you take advantage of this opportunity as a great way to expand your church’s presence in your community. If you would like more information, please click HERE.