
First look at our 2017 Synod Assembly


A quick look at our 2017 Synod Assembly by the numbers.



Registration at assembly helps us to update our own records and make sure that things run smoothly during each session.

  • Over 500 registrations came through for our 2017 Synod Assembly between January and May.
  • 26% of our assembly were persons of color (10% African-American, 5% Latino/Latina, 4% Asian/Pacific Islander, 3% African Caribbean, 2% Other Heritage, and <1% were African National, American Indian/Pacific Islander, Arab/Middle Easterner, and unknown). For comparison, in 2016, 21% of our assembly participants were persons of color.
  • 54% of our assembly was over the age of 60, 24% was 50-59, 10% was 40-49, 9% was 30-39, and 3% 20-29. This is similar to the ages in attendance in 2016, with slight increases in ages 30-49.


Using Guidebook through our assembly allowed everyone to have all the details they needed right at their fingertips. The app will remain active for you to see various details of our assembly and the resources used.

  • 17,662: The number of sessions or times our Guidebook was opened.
  • 509: The total number of Guidebook app downloads.
  • 706: The total number of times our Guidebook was opened through the web.

Behind the scenes

There are incredible numbers of people that work behind the scenes to make sure the assembly runs smoothly.

  • Over 100 people gave input to the assembly during the planning stages.
  • 23 Marriott staff members plus 5 people in the AV crew worked closely with our event to make sure we had everything we needed throughout our three days.

What you heard and saw

Inside the Grand Ballroom, we heard many voices and saw many slides as we were guided through our time together.

  • Over 350 powerpoint slides were displayed on the screens.
  • Over 75 voices were heard during the plenary sessions and worship.
  • Over 80 signs helped to direct people and find information during the assembly.

It’s harder for us to count the connections between colleagues, the sharing of stories, and the spreading impact we’ve had by packing care kits for Lutheran World Relief on Saturday. As they become available, we’ll continue to post videos and recaps of our assembly on 

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