Assistant to the Bishop for Faith and Leadership Formation

Pastor Jonathan Linman

Further biographical information for and background on Pastor Linman

  • Place of Birth: Monmouth, Illinois
  • B.A. Sociology-Anthropology, Carleton College, 1984
  • M.Div., Trinity Lutheran Seminary, 1988, with study also at Yale Divinity School
  • M.A. and Ph.D., Formative Spirituality, Duquesne University, 1997
  • Dissertation: Toward a Theory of Lectio Divina: A Reader Response, Psychoanalytic and Embodied Approach
  • Ordained in 1989
  • Pastorate at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania’s inner-city, 1989-2001, which included the following highlights
    • Re-rooting of congregational ministry in the neighborhood
    • Strong ecumenical relationships and programs
    • Development of cooperative ministries with other Lutheran congregations in South Pittsburgh
    • Afterschool program for neighborhood elementary school children
    • Development of parish nurse and health ministries
    • Expanded opportunities for worship, education
    • Enhanced music ministry and programs
    • Involvement of youth in pastoral ministry (e.g., in the sacramental visitation of homebound members)
    • Membership and worship attendance growth
    • Enhanced lay leadership and financial stability
    • Strengthened viability of an inner-city congregation and sustained good climate for ministry
  • Director of the Center for Christian Spirituality and Professor of Ascetical Theology at The General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church, 2001-2009
    • Taught courses in Christian Spirituality to students in Master of Divinity, Master of Arts and Master of Sacred Theology degree programs
    • Directed Certificate of Studies and Master of Arts and Master of Sacred Theology degree programs in Christian Spirituality and Spiritual Direction
    • Course and curriculum development in the academic study of Christian spirituality and in practicum courses for formation for spiritual direction ministries
    • Advisor to and thesis director for students in various degree programs
    • Quiet Day and Prayer Group facilitator
    • And a full range of academic administrative responsibilities involving employee supervision, publicity and recruitment, budget, fund-raising, student admissions, alumni relations
  • Assistant to the Bishop for Faith and Leadership Formation, Metropolitan New York Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 2009-present
  • Publications
    • Holy Conversation: Spirituality for Worship, published by Augsburg Fortress, 2010
    • Book chapter: "Martin Luther: ‘Little Christs’ for the World — Faith and Sacraments as Means to Theosis," published in Partakers in the Divine Nature: The History and Development of Deification in the Christian Traditions
    • Book chapter: "Meditative Reading of Scripture" in See How They Love One Another: Rebuilding Community at the Base, Lutheran World Federation Studies 2002
  • Synodical and Churchwide involvements:
    • Member, ELCA Church Council, 2005-2009
    • Member, ELCA Communal Discernment Task Force, 2008-present
    • Member, ELCA Board of the Division for Congregational Ministries, 2003-2005
    • Member, Multi-Synodical Candidacy Committee, Southwestern Pennsylvania and West Virginia/Western Maryland Synods, 2000-2008
    • Member, Language Consultation Group for ELCA Renewing Worship initiatives
    • Past Conference Dean, Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod
    • Voting Member, ELCA Churchwide Assemblies, 1999 and 2001
    • Ecumenical Representative, Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod, 1997-2001
    • Spiritual Director for seminary interns and others students in candidacy processes, Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod, 1995-2001
    • Member, Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod Outreach Committee, 1990-1999
    • Member, Congregational Resource Team, cottage meeting facilitator for congregations in conflict, Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod, 1992-2001
    • Member, Theological Convocation Planning Committee, 1989-1991
    • Health Ministries Task Force, 1991-1993
    • Lutheran Campus Ministry in Pittsburgh board member, 1989-1992
  • Father of Nathan Walter Linman
  • Hobbies: exploring New York City neighborhoods; hiking and walking; model railroading and trains in general; following weather-related phenomena