Mobility and Ministry Opportunities

Ministry Opportunities

The Ministry Site Profile form (MSP) provides congregations (single and multiple point parishes) and church-related organizations (schools, social ministry organizations, healthcare institutions, and agencies) a single, common form to use to describe their mission and their search for a rostered leader. View a sample MSP form here and find information on completing a MSP here.

In our synod, the MSP is filled out by leaders within the congregation or organization, under the guidance of the Deployed Assistants to the Bishop assigned for the congregation's conference. Once completed and submitted, the MSP will be stored within the ELCA’s Mobility Database System (MDS). The web page, Current Openings, allows rostered ministers and others to search the database of MSPs to learn of ministry openings, to read a basic snapshot of information about each opening, and to learn about the appropriate contact person for each call process.

The Ministry Site Profile and Mobility Database System are designed only for searches for those rostered within the ELCA. Job opportunities for other church workers, including lay professionals, non-rostered musicians or program directors are listed in our E-letter as available.
