A Message from our DEM, Branden Dupree
Jun 16, 2023

The Metropolitan New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America remains resolute in our commitment to our congregations' spiritual well-being and growth. Fordham Evangelical Lutheran Church has struggled with viability for many years. Throughout the years, the MNYS Office of the Bishop has identified Fordham as a priority, and because of such, provided dedicated financial resources, pastoral leadership, support and countless staff hours to engage missional opportunities in the Bronx Conference for the benefit of our entire Synod.
Regardless of uniqueness, all churches have the potential to go through a similar life cycle. Our churches start, grow, thrive, decline and some eventually end. Most churches have seasons of energy and vitality. All have felt or will feel the times of slowed momentum and mission drift. We continue to reevaluate and refresh, finding new ways to lead people toward Jesus, despite consistently responding to the challenges in an evolving secular society.
Bishop Egensteiner intentionally began his term with an in-person meeting at Fordham to reaffirm the spiritual well-being that exists in all of our churches. Today, regrettably, Fordham Evangelical Lutheran Church is one weighted down with stalled leadership, fragmented community partnerships and significant insurance concerns. These dire circumstances lead the church's eldest leaders to advocate for synodical administration/preservation.
Only after thoughtful deliberation and consideration did our Vision Team recommend and ultimately Synod Council take necessary action to protect the most vulnerable among Fordham Evangelical Lutheran Church and its surrounding community. Experience teaches that times of heightened anxiety and survivability make our congregations conspicuous to the most predatory practitioners.
MNYS remains committed to supporting and growing congregations — particularly in communities of color. Our initiatives remain fully aligned with our church's ongoing anti-racism and reparative justice mission. We remain hopeful for renewed commitment to spiritual growth within our communities.
Peace and Partnership in Christ,
Branden Dupree
Assistant to the Bishop/Director for Evangelical Mission