From a Lay Leader's Desk

A series of opinion articles from lay leaders in our synod.


Women's History Month 2024, Lily Sage Mathias, MNYS Synod Council

Mar 08, 2024


You were born for such a time as this – Esther 4:14
As a woman of color, celebrating Women’s History Month is a yearly opportunity to remind others that the voices of marginalized and forgotten women must be heard as well and that those are the voices that Jesus always listened to with empathy and love. 
It is truly a gift to be able to share my story during Women’s History Month!
I was humbly and divinely called to the Lutheran church fourteen years ago, and I have felt a great connection and love for my denomination and church community every day since.
Seven years ago, I was sitting in church on a chilly Sunday morning during Lent, and the Gospel reading of the day was the story of Jesus speaking to the Samaritan Woman at the well. Growing up going to church regularly, I had heard this scripture read dozens of times, but on this particular Sunday, it was as if I was hearing it for the first time and in a new way. I thought to myself, “Wow, every time Jesus did something significant, it usually involved a female follower. I wish that were talked about more.” 
And then a light bulb lit up so brightly in my heart and my head. I was inspired to start a monthly Bible study called “Women of the Bible.” Every month, we meet to learn about and discuss a different woman from the scriptures. What started out as an idea for an eighteen-month project is now a vibrant ministry celebrating seven years this Spring. The goal of the ministry is to be a safe space for all women to feel empowered and uplifted by their faith and to strengthen their relationship with Christ. When we gather our discussions provide an opportunity to deconstruct our Christianity, decenter the ideology of a white male God, and decolonize our approach to faith. 
The Samaritan Woman was my original inspiration for the ministry; her boldness and trust in the Messiah fueled my heart as I started my ministry. Over the years, so many women of the Bible have become my heroines. I find so much bravery and conviction in the story of Tamar and how she regained control of her life. I cherish the quiet strength and diplomacy of Queen Esther. And when I need to channel my leadership qualities,, I think of Deborah or Phoebe. In times of difficulty, I read the story of Hagar, and she reminds me that God sees me and will make a spring in the desert for me as well.
The best part of this ministry has been connecting with so many amazing women, and although we are all on different journeys of faith our destination seems to be the same.
Thank you for reading my story, and I hope you take the time to celebrate the amazing women in your life.