Women's History Month 2024, Synod Deacon Tanya Lee Behnke
Mar 23, 2024

As we celebrate Women's History Month, 50 years of women in ordained ministry seems like a long time. But the reality is that women are still struggling to be accepted in ministry, with not all churches willing to call a female pastor or allow women to be leaders in the church. Recently, after a service at church, an older woman I didn’t know approached me outside. I had been assisting during the service, and she stopped me to tell me how meaningful it was to see me up there because, growing up, women were not allowed to serve at the altar in her church. It was not an opportunity that she could have imagined at my age. For her to see this change within the church and society was meaningful!
As we talked, it gave me a greater appreciation of growing up seeing women represented in our church and the difference seeing that representation made in my life. Early on, Pastor Kristina Ahlman served at Calvary Lutheran Church in Hauppauge, where I grew up and now serve as a synodical deacon. Because of her, I never questioned whether I could have a leadership role in church; I saw her up there preaching and leading us every week! She encouraged me to teach, often having more faith in my abilities than I did at the time. That love for teaching and youth ministry has followed me into my service as a deacon, which has a focus on Christian Education.
We often think of Christian Education as Sunday School or Confirmation, but I've learned over the years that education is never-ending. In addition to teaching youth, I assist with several of our adult education opportunities. Our Bibles & Brews group meets to discuss various topics, including the ELCA social statements and messages and women in the Bible. Calvary is in the process of becoming a Reconciling in Christ congregation, so we’re including many adult education opportunities, such as forums and book studies. I enjoy that this ministry focus is always giving me opportunities to encourage and continually learn along with others.
Perhaps my greatest single source of inspirational, strong, faithful women has been Pinecrest Lutheran Leadership Ministries, a Lutheran leadership camp for youth and young adults. As a youth camper, Pinecrest expanded my understanding of faith, developing me into a strong leader. And as a bonus, brought into my life some of my closest friends. It was here that I first really saw church as a community beyond my congregation and was surrounded by so many strong women of faith leading! And leading in such a variety of ways, each using their gifts from God. It highlights how God may set our path before us, but all our paths are unique and different, just like us. As a camper and now as staff, I am continuously amazed and inspired by those who serve as staff and faculty and attend as campers! They all have shaped who I am as a woman of faith!
I am so thankful that I have these opportunities to serve and lead since it is important, especially for children and youth, to see representation in leadership. When I’m assisting in worship, and I look out to see one of the young girls in the church smiling up at me, I can’t help but think that I’m exactly where God wants me to be.