Oct 07, 2020
By The Rev. Emilce Erato

"In bad weather, good face”, says my father when I speak with him. He is expressing what he has learned during the pandemic that we still live today. What he means is that there is something good to find in every bad situation. Therefore, I would say that even in such troublesome circumstances, it is a good time to thank God for this month of celebrating our Hispanic heritage.
I am grateful for this month as we join in a national celebration that honors the history, the culture, and the influence of past generations that came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America. Hispanic heritage month has become an important celebration in the United States for several years now. We, Hispanics, across the country commemorate this month with pride and joy. This celebration also teaches us the importance of diversity.
This is a time to feel grateful for the richness of our diversity—a good thing created by God. We come from different countries and we are united here by the dreams that we carry. We are all creatures upholding the great diversity of this country.
We have experienced difficulties due to the pandemic: members of our congregations have fallen ill, some have lost their jobs, and, even more painfully, families have lost their loved ones. But, what the pandemic has not been able to take away from us is the desire to fight and get ahead. Helping those in need is in our nature, and somehow it is always enough to help those who need it the most.
Today we celebrate our Hispanic heritage in this country, with our sisters and brothers with whom we share our cultures and diversities. Now is a time when we put our trust in our Father and his Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit, who is with us and who gives us faith and hope for a better tomorrow. Sustained in Christ we will be strong, we can see the good within the bad.