From August 21 to August 28, the ELCA Service and Justice Home Area, celebrated the Becoming Conference, an event aiming to strategize and prioritize their work around five core justice foci: Migration Justice, Economic Justice, Racial Justice, Gender Justice, and Environmental Justice. This conference gathered Churchwide staff, international mission personnel, and community members to think about their work, perceive their mission, and cross the bridge into the future as a church. We are particularly grateful for the work of the MNYS delegation [pictured].
We must always give thanks for you, siblings, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing (2 Thessalonians 1:3)

[above] Members of our synod, Karen Nurmi and Roberto Lara, led worship alongside Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and other leaders from Churchwide, during the ELCA Becoming Conference, celebrated this past week in Chicago. Thanks be to God for the work of MNYS leaders — lay and ordained — in the wider Church!
Almighty and everliving God, in all ages you have raised up faithful servants to shepherd and guide your holy people and to make known your will among us; increase in us the gifts of discernment and understanding that we might know and do your will in our daily work for your Church.
Send your Holy Spirit among us, O God!

Lastly, a heartfelt farewell as after more than 33 years as Director of the ELCA's Lutheran World Community Office, Dennis Frado, a proud member of Saint Peter's Church, Manhattan, is stepping down for a well-deserved retirement. Below is a letter from Lutheran World Federation General Secretary, The Rev. Anne Burghardt, recognizing Dennis's incredible career. Thank you for your dedicated service Dennis, may God continue to bless you during this exciting next chapter.
I am writing on my own behalf, and on behalf of my colleagues, in the Communion Office and in the name of the Lutheran World Federation churches to express our deep appreciation for your many years of excellent service in your role as Lutheran World Federation representative to the United Nations headquarters in New York, which you've executed with deep dedication, diligence, and professionalism. As a result of your work, the LWF's engagement with the UN over the years has been positive and impactful.
Thanks to you and your colleagues in the Lutheran Office for World Community, our member churches, staff, and partners have been supported to access and participate in important UN processes such as the General Assembly and sessions of the UN security council.
I also want to highlight your role in supporting the LWF councils and assemblies, particularly in providing extremely helpful guidance and input for the work related to advocacy and voting voice.
You are a committed defender of human dignity, and I am deeply grateful that through your service you have helped the worldwide Lutheran communion to stand up for the God-given dignity of all humans. As you go into retirement, I pray that God will continue to bless you and your family with good health, strength, and grace.
May you rejoice in the fruits of the good works you have accomplished!
Yours in Christ,
The Rev. Anne Burghardt, General Secretary