
MNYS Microsites Initiative


Let MNYS Microsites help your church build a new website!

Congregational websites and social media channels are the new front doors for all our congregations. Through the MNYS Congregational Microsites Initiative, each congregation in our synod that signs up will receive an independent website, connecting all our congregations to our calling of being church together. 

This initiative is a new opportunity for your church to have a state-of-the-art, informative website for a low one-time implementation fee, including training. Your site will be completely designed by MNYS Microsites and ready for you to maintain easily.

Your congregation can have its own website with a unique URL under, or if you have your own web domain, you can still keep that URL, and our team will assist in transferring it to the new site.

To see all the wonderful tools you have available, check out one of our live sites by visiting:

Please email Project Manager Lori Scaffidi at [email protected] if your congregation is interested in, or has any questions about, exploring this great opportunity.

To learn more, watch the video HERE.


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