All are Welcome!

The Focus of New Hope Lutheran Church is focused on the six marks of discipleship: reading the Bible, daily prayer, weekly worship, encouraging relationships that include spiritual growth, giving of time, talent, and resources, and serving our community.

Sanctuary Lights or Altar Flowers

To order please place your request on the chart in the narthex. $10.00 for Sanctary Lights and $25.00 per Bouquet of flowers.

Basking in the Glow

Pastor Emerita Status was bestowed to Reverend Brenda Smith

Help Us Be the Light

We want to hear from you on establishing a few support groups where people can come together, listen, share, and help each other navigate tough challenges. Please contact Michael Harvin with suggestions at [email protected].

In-person Service
Sunday: 10:30 am
Also, live streaming on Facebook
Holy Communion
First & Third Sundays
Sunday School
2nd and 4th Sundays
All Are Welcome!

From New Hope Lutheran Church



Pulse Check

Renewing Hope, Pulse Check


Online Prayer Service

Online Prayer Service, with Resurrection Lutheran Church


Online Bible Study

Pastor Brenda Irving

Coming Up Next

From Our Synod



A Christmas Message from Bishop Egensteiner

Peace be with you in this season of anticipation and hope.


Christmas Joy

In her Christmas message, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton calls our attention to the word “joy” in the angel’s proclamation to the shepherds.


Bible Study | Living Into Our Faith in Action: Civic Engagement

This single-session Bible study and discussion guide can be used to consider civic commitment as people of faith.

Ministries Offered 


Youth Ministry


Worship & Music Ministry

Scholarship Committee

Stewardship Committee

Progressive Women's MInistry

Capital Campaign Ministry

Social Ministries/Fellowship Groups

Social Ministry



There is a place for you here

At New Hope Lutheran Church, we serve a grace-filled and mighty God. It is our prayer that you will be blessed and touched by the Holy Spirit as you worship with us, and if you are looking for a church home, we would be honored to have you join our church.

Learn More About Us
