2019 Synod Assembly Timeline
January 2019
February 2019
February 1: Bishop's pre-identification process begins. (Pre-identification indicates when a pastor on the roster of the ELCA is identified as having the gifts and skills necessary to serve as bishop. Pre-identification may come through individuals, congregations, or conferences.)
February 6: Plenary time request deadline
February 6: Deadline for resolutions and memorials. These are due by end of day, to
[email protected]
March 2019
March 1: Bishop's pre-identification process ends
March 6: Deadline for bulletin of reports
March 6: Retired ELCA Ministers and Synod Council Members registration closes
March 6: Early Registration closes. (All payment must be received by March 6, or the regular registration rate will apply.)
March 6: Workshops and forums request deadline
March 6: Display table request deadline
March 14: Deadline for all AV and scripts for those given agenda time. These are due by end of day, to
[email protected]
March 14: Payments for display table requests are due by end of day
April 2019
April 1: Posting of pre-identified pastors
April 24: Last day to cancel a meal plan
April 24: Online registration closes. (All payments must be received by April 24, or the onsite registration rate will apply.)
End of April: Conferences meet before the assembly to review documents to prepare voting members for the assembly
May 2019
May 1: Bulletin of Reports is published
May 1: Guidebook and Synod Assembly resources are made available
May 16: On-site registration fees apply. Voting members will not be given assembly materials, if a participant has a balance due.
May 16-18: Synod Assembly
May 20: Synod office is closed
Summer/Fall 2019
Assembly Planning Committee, Worship Committee, Executive Committee, and Synod Council all debrief/ assess the assembly