Annual Assembly | Dean's Checklist

Checklist for MNYS Deans 

Our 2023 Synod Assembly promises an exciting time for us to be together as Church! Below are important dates for all MNYS Deans to consider ahead of our assembly.

  • On or Before March 3: Hold a Conference Meeting.

    • Schedule a conference meeting on/or before March 3 to discuss Resolutions and Memorials and select candidate(s) for Synod Council. 
  • March 3: Conference Nominations for Synod Council deadline. 

    • Nominations can be submitted via the form HERE. Please make sure your candidate is willing to serve before submitting the nomination.
  • March 3: Resolutions and Memorials are due.

    • These are due by end of the day to Maria Rodas, Data and Events Manager/ Administrative Supervisor, at [email protected] or 212-870-2387

  • March 4: Open Nominations begin.

    • Nomination forms for Synod Council, Discipline Committee, and Consultation Committee will be available, HERE.

  • March 17: Conference's Annual Reports Deadline.

    • Submit the report using the form, HERE; and send pictures to Lori Scaffidi to [email protected] by this date. Please make those arrangements if you are a newly elected dean and feel the previous dean should file the report. Any reports not received will be listed in the Bulletin of Reports | Section B with the current dean’s name as "No report submitted."

  • April 17: Registration closes

  • April 21: Prep work for Assembly.

    • On April 22, the Synod Assembly materials will be made available. Have a conference meeting after this date and before the assembly to prepare ordained ministers and voting members. Take time to have conversations within your conference and congregations to set the stage for our time together in assembly. 

  • May 5 and 6: Synod Assembly.


