
2025 MNYS Assembly Information




Synod Assembly Voting Members and Visitors


Voting Members

Our Synod Assembly is the highest governing body in the Metropolitan New York Synod (MNYS) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Voting members at the assembly serve on behalf of all the people of this synod. Voting members are called to make decisions for the well-being of our synod and the wider church. This year, voting members of the Synod Assembly will be entrusted to elect our new bishop. To learn more about the Bishop's election process, click HERE (English) or HERE (Spanish). Our MNYS Vice-President, Christopher Vergara, explains the Bishop's election process in this video HERE (English) or HERE (Spanish)
  • All ELCA Rostered Ministers in our synod (Ordained Ministers for Word and Sacrament {Pastors} & Ordained Ministers for Word and Service {Deacons})
  • Lay congregation members and lay Synod Deacons* who have been elected by their congregation (typically—and following our constitution’s guidelines—voting members will have an equal gender representation)
  • Officers and Synod Council members of the synod
  • Ecumenical partners serving in our synod

A formula has been adopted for the election of voting members by congregations and authorized worshipping communities based on the current year’s congregational statistics: 

  • Synodically authorized Worshipping Communities: 1 lay voting member
  • Congregations up to 699 baptized members: 2 lay voting members
  • Congregations between 700-999 baptized members: 3 lay voting members
  • Congregations of 1,000 or more baptized members: 4 lay voting members
IMPORTANT NOTICE:  We will be utilizing the innovative VPoll technology for voting during this assembly. All voting members are required to bring a smart device or rent one from VPoll. To participate effectively, each voting member must have access to an on-site dedicated smart device and its charger. If you do not have a smart device, you can rent one from VPoll for $40 for two days (quantities are limited). Please note that there will be a $220 replacement cost if the rented device is lost or damaged.


We encourage people to attend our annual assembly as visitors. During plenary sessions, visitors must sit in the designated space but are otherwise free to participate in worship, forums, and community-building activities. This is a great opportunity for interns or those who want to learn more about our synod. 


We’re delighted to be hosting our assembly, but we need your help! If you are interested in volunteering at our assembly, please fill out the form HERE. A member of our assembly team will follow-up with more details of how you can help closer to the day of the event.

If you have questions about the form, please contact Maria Rodas, Director of Events and Data Management, at [email protected].


To register, click HERE. Please note that any ELCA-rostered ministers and Synod Council members who cannot attend the assembly are expected to complete the Request of Absence form HEREPayment is not required at the time of registration, but checks must be received before the end of the registration period (April 7) to lock in that rate. To view our full Payment and Cancellation Policy, click HERE.


Registration Fees

For our 2025 Synod Assembly, the registration fees are as follows:
Early Registration
January 9–February 11 (Payments must be received by 2/11)
New Voting Attendees Price: $100 (First-time lay attendees only)
Voting Member: $175
Visitor: $175
Meal Plan: $225
Regular Registration
February 12–April 7 (Payments must be received by 4/7)
New Voting Attendees Price: $150 (First-time lay attendees only)
Voting Member: $250
Visitor: $175
Meal Plan: $225
On-site Registration
May 2, at the Marriott Melville
Voting Member: $350
Visitor: $350
Meal Plan: not available after April 7, 2025
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Any lay representative of a congregation looking to register on-site MUST have their pastor present to verify their role as said congregation’s voting member, per S7.14.02 of this synod’s constitution. Non-compliance will result in ejection from the property.

For more clarification regarding assembly fees, click HERE

To begin your registration, click HERE.
ELCA-rostered ministers and Synod Council members who will not be attending the assembly are expected to complete the Request of Absence form HERE.
Payment is not required to register but must be received before the end of the registration period to lock in that rate. Click HERE for our full Cancellation and Payment Policy.


Meal Plans

A meal package will be available for $225. The meal package will include two lunches and two dinners. Breakfast will not be included. The deadline for the meal plan is April 7. Click HERE for a word about these assembly fees. 

Our Synod Assembly will take place at the Marriott Melville Long Island Hotel, 1350 Walt Whitman Rd, Melville, NY 11747.

Overnight Accommodations

The MNYS special rate at the hotel is $209 per room per night; that rate expires on April 3 or when our block of rooms is filled. Reservations should be made by clicking HERE, or by calling 1-800-228-9290 and stating that you are with the “Metropolitan New York Synod."

If you are tax exempt, you must do one of the following for that status to be honored by The Marriott Melville:

  • Bring a copy of your tax-exempt certificate and pay with a credit card that has the same name (i.e., a credit card that includes the church name)
  • Bring a copy of your tax-exempt certificate and a certified check from the bank
  • Mail a copy of your tax-exempt certificate with your check early enough to clear with the bank (often, this is two weeks)


Nominations and Elections

Voting members at the assembly serve on behalf of all the people of this synod and are called to make decisions for the well-being of our synod and the whole church. This year, voting members of the Synod Assembly will be entrusted to elect our new bishop, Synod Secretary, open positions on the Consultation and Discipline Committees, Synod Council, ELCA Churchwide Assembly voting member, and nominations to the ELCA Church Council. For more information on the MNYS 2025 Assembly Open Positions, click HERE. For a nomination form for one of these positions, please click HERE.
The Reference and Counsel Committee collects, reviews, and presents resolutions and memorials to the Synod Assembly for consideration. Resolutions and memorials are proposals for the ministry of our church. Memorials address broad policy issues and are passed by Synod Assemblies for consideration by the Churchwide Assembly. Resolutions are requests for synodical consideration or action. 
The Reference and Counsel Committee report will be available on our Synod Assembly Resources webpage by April 17.
Submitting a Resolution or Memorial
The deadline to submit a resolution or memorial is February 10, 2025. For help creating your resolution or memorial, see the ELCA’s Guidelines HERE. Once completed, please email your document (PDF format recommended) to Maria Rodas, Director of Events and Data Management, at [email protected], and attach any additional photos or additional materials you wish to include. 

Submit a Report for the MNYS Bulletin of Reports Section B

MNYS Conferences, Committees, and Partner Organizations are invited to share their work with the synod in our annual Bulletin of Reports. All reports are due on March 6, 2025. If you have any questions, please email Leticia Silva at l[email protected]. To submit a Conference Report, please click HERE. To submit a Committee or Partner Organization Report, please click HERE.


Get Involved: Display Table, Advertisement, and Coffee Hour Requests 

There are different ways you or your organization can get involved at our assembly. 

  • Host a Display Table
  • Ad Space Request
  • Sponsor a Coffee Hour* 
Access the Involvement Request form HERE.  The link for payment information will be provided upon completion of the request form.


March 6:
Display Table Request
Coffee Hour Request
Ad Space Request
March 14:
Display Table Request payment
Coffee Hour Request payment
Ad Space Request payment


Please note that applications will be reviewed by the planning team. Notification of granted space for a display table, a coffee hour, or ad space will be provided to the contact person by March 11. If you are affiliated with multiple committees or partner organizations, please fill out separate forms for each. 

If you have questions or need help with the Involvement Request form, please contact Maria RodasDirector of Events and Data Management, at [email protected].

*Sponsors of Coffee Hour will receive a complimentary display table and advertisement during the assembly. This is a great opportunity for sponsors to showcase their products or services to a captive audience while enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of Coffee Hour. With the added exposure from the advertisement, sponsors can expect increased visibility and brand recognition.


Synod Assembly Agenda

The agenda will be posted on our Synod Assembly Resources webpage by April 17. The agenda is formed through a sub-group working to propose the overall shape of plenary times. The planning team recommends a draft agenda to the Executive Committee and Synod Council, who approve an agenda for the recommendation of adoption. The recommended agenda is then shared with the assembly for consideration. 

Payment Policy

Payment may be made at the time of registration via credit card or received by regular post (church check) by the due date. Early registrations must be paid by February 11. All registrations must be paid by April 7Any registrations that remain unpaid after April 7 will be cancelled.
Additionally, we want to ensure that our voting members are not restricted from participating due to financial limitations. If you are an elected voting member and are in need of financial assistance for synod assembly registration, please complete the form HERE.

Excusal and Cancellation Policy

Per S7.14.04, the MNYS Bishop will need to receive all excuses for absence from ELCA-rostered ministers (ordained pastors and ordained deacons) whose attendance is expected, as well as any registered voting members. All requests to be excused must be received via the Request of Absence form HERE. Cancellation requests should be sent to Maria Rodas, Director of Events and Data Management, at [email protected].
Cancellations received before April 7, 2025, will receive a complete refund. Cancellations received after this date and before May 1, 2025, will be refunded for 75% of the registration fees. No refunds will be available after this date.
A substitution for a voting member must be requested by the pastor or an officer from the congregation if an alternative voting member was registered. This action won’t have any additional fees. To substitute a voting member, pastors or congregational officers need to contact Maria RodasDirector of Events and Data Management, at [email protected].

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be Wi-Fi?
Wi-Fi will be provided for our 2025 Synod Assembly. This will ensure our commitment to Forward Together in Christ by being a predominately paperless assembly.
All voting members are required to bring a smart device or rent one
We will be utilizing the innovative VPoll technology for voting during this assembly. All voting members are required to bring a smart device or rent one from VPoll. To participate effectively, each voting member must have access to an on-site dedicated smart device and its charger. If you do not have a smart device, you can rent one from VPoll for $40 for two days (quantities are limited). Please note that there will be a $220 replacement cost if the rented device is lost or broken.
Do I have to pay to register?
Payment at the time of registration is preferred, but you may choose to send a check after registering. Please note that payment is due by the end of the registration period: February 11 for early registration or April 7 for regular registration. 
What if a registered voting member won’t be able to attend? 
Register an alternate voting member HERE. If you want the registration fees refunded, ensure you are familiar with our Payment and Cancellation Policy.
How many people from my congregation can attend?
The number of voting members from each congregation depends on their membership and type. Details are found HERE. Additionally, we encourage anyone to attend as a visitor. 
Do Synod Council Members count toward my congregation’s total number of voting members?
No. Since they are elected by the assembly, they attend as a synod council member without changing the number of eligible voting members from a congregation.
How do I know if I am registered?

When registering for the Synod Assembly, you will receive a unique QR code as your ticket, which will be included in your confirmation email. You can access this code via the Eventbrite app or print it out for added convenience. We recommend downloading the app and logging in immediately to ensure you don't misplace the email in your inbox.

When you arrive at the Marriott, you must have this QR code on site to register for the assembly. Once scanned, you are checked in, so there is no chance of duplicate entries.

The Eventbrite app works on all mobile and computer devices. This quick and easy check-in process will ensure everything runs smoothly at registration at the assembly.

Please check your spam or junk email folder if you did not receive a confirmation email. If you are still unsure, contact Maria Rodas, Director of Events and Data Management, at [email protected] to confirm your registration.
How do I receive tax-exempt status for my hotel accommodations?
Individuals and congregations are responsible for their own accommodations. See more about what Marriott Melville requires to honor tax-exempt status, HERE.
*Synod Deacons are granted a voice but must be elected by their congregation in order to be a voting member. Congregations are strongly encouraged to register Alternate Voting Members at no cost. Having alternates registered will ensure that if a voting member is unable to attend the assembly, the alternate can take their place. 