Report of the Synod Council 2023

This annual report of the Synod Council to the 30th Synod Assembly is to provide you with a summary of the actions that have been taken on your behalf since the Synod met in Digital Assembly on August 20-21, 2021. These actions are divided into appropriate sections as they relate to the work of the Synod Council.

NOTE:  The Synod Council meeting on April 22, 2023 was held too late for its actions to be included in this Bulletin of Reports for the 2023 Synod Assembly.  The actions taken by the Synod Council at its April 22, 2023 meeting will be  included in the Report of the Synod Council for the next Synod Assembly.


Calls/Roster Changes

The Rev. Dr. Rebecca Ehrlich: Associate Dean for Community Life, General Theological Seminary, effective August 1, 2021.
The Rev. William E. Baum: Retirement status, effective August 1, 2021.
The Rev. Brenda K. Smith: Retirement status, effective June 1, 2021.
The Rev. Frank Nelson: Retirement status, effective September 1, 2019.
The Rev. Amanda Nesvold: Interim Pastor, Gloria Dei, Huntington Station, effective October 1, 2021.
The Rev. H. Gaylon Barker: Retirement status, effective August 1, 2021.
The Rev. Carla Meier: Retirement status, effective August 1, 2021.
The Rev. Dr. Maritza Ortiz Cruz: Retirement status, effective September 1, 2021.
The Rev. Johanna Andritz: Retirement status, effective November 1, 2021.
The Rev. Dr. Charles Vogeley: Retirement status, effective November 1, 2021.
The Rev. Martin Malzahn: Clergy-in-charge, St. Paul’s Episcopal and The Church of the Incarnation, Jersey City, effective October 31, 2021.
The Rev. Lorie B. Tatum: Interim pastor, St. Stephen’s, Brooklyn, effective December 5, 2021.
S.Dcn. John Malone: On leave from call status, effective November 1, 2021.
The Rev. Marianne Tomecek: Interim Pastor, St. Andrew’s, West Hempstead, effective November 14, 2021.
The Rev. Marc Herbst: Interim Pastor, Good Shepherd, Plainview, effective February 1, 2022.
The Rev. Dr. Frederick Weidmann :  Pastor, Church in the Gardens (UCC), Forest Hills, effective March 22, 2022.
The Rev. Kerstin Weidmann: Interim Pastor, Grace, Forest Hills, effective March 22, 2022.
The Rev. Dr. Harvard Stephens, Jr.: On leave from call status, effective January 1, 2022.
The Rev. Elsa Marty:  Renewal On leave from call status (6 yr for study), effective December 1, 2019.
The Rev. Scott Adams: Resignation from roster of Ministers of Word and Sacrament, effective March 22, 2022.
The Rev. Terrence Weber: Resignation from roster of Ministers of Word and Sacrament, effective January 25, 2022.
The Rev. Dr. Martha Cruz: Interim pastor, Fordham, Bronx, effective April 3, 2022.
S.Dcn. Grace Sabella: On leave from call status, effective June 1, 2022.
The Rev. Dr. Rebecca Ehrlich: On leave from call status, effective May 1, 2022.
The Rev. Dr. William Damrow: Retirement status, effective September 1, 2022.
The Rev. Mark Erson: Retirement status, effective August 1, 2022.
The Rev. Luis Ivan Echandia: Two year term call, Epiphany-Epifania, Hempstead and Grace, Uniondale, effective October 1, 2022-September 30, 2024.
The Rev. Austin Newberry:  Interim pastor, St. John’s, Manhattan, effective September 15, 2022.
The Rev. Jacob Simpson: On leave from call status, effective June 30, 2022.
The Rev. John Jurik: Retirement status, effective July 1, 2022.
The Rev. Peter Rustico: Retirement status, effective December 1, 2022.
The Rev. Thomas Taylor: Retirement status, effective September 1, 2022.
The Rev. Susan Shelhart: Retirement status, effective November 1, 2022.
Deacon Nadine Cordes: Retirement status, effective September 1, 2022.
The Rev. Stephanie Kershner: On leave from call status, effective September 1, 2022.
The Rev. Elsa Marty: Renewal of on leave from call status for graduate study, effective December 1. 2022.
The Rev. Mark Wilhelm: Retirement status, effective February 1, 2023.
The Rev. Andrea Hickey: Chaplain, Catholic Health Systems, effective April 1, 2022.
The Rev. Ann Tiemeyer: On leave from call status, effective January 15, 2023.
The Rev. Amanda Nesvold: On leave from call status, effective February 1, 2023.
Deacon Janet Scheiper: On leave from call status retroactively, effective June 1, 2010-October 17, 2010, and Retirement status retroactively, effective October 17, 2010.
S.Dcn. Camille Holman: On leave from call status, effective January 1, 2023.
The Rev. Rebekah Swanson: Interim pastor, St. John’s, Middletown, effective March 16, 2023.
The Rev. James Krauser: On leave from call status, effective March 1, 2023.
The Rev. Harriet Wieber: Retirement status, effective August 1, 2023.
Dcn. Jacqueline Mize-Baker: Retirement status, effective January 1, 2023.



2024 ELCA Youth Gathering Synod Champion
The Rev. John Hickey
The Rev. Amanda Nesvold, King of Kings, Melville, effective October 1, 2021
The Rev. Roger Berner, Our Saviour, Port Washington, effective November 28, 2021
Luis Ivan Echandia, Epiphany, Hempstead and Grace, Uniondale, effective November 1, 2021
The Rev. Dr. Christian Scharen, Grace, Forest Hill, effective January 3, 2022
The Rev. Dr. Christian Scharen, Church of Our Saviour, Manhasset
The Rev. Dr. Charles Vogeley, Trinity-St. Andrew’s, Maspeth
The Rev. Laurie Cline, Christ, Islip Terrace
The Rev. Jeanine Owens, Interim Dean, Bronx Conference
The Rev. Martin Nale, Interim Dean, SW Nassau Conference
Vision Team
Ms. Renee Wicklund
Ms. Lily Sage Mathias
Mr. Cecil Spurlock-Shackelton
Ms. Wendy Bean Tannenbaum
The Rev. William Baum, chair
The Rev. Leticia Alanis
The Rev. Marc Herbst
S.Dcn. Denise Rutherford Gill
The Rev. Gladys Diaz
Mr. Roberto Lara
The Rev. Christopher Mietlowski
The Rev. Kevin Vandiver
Mr. John Litke
The Rev. Analyse Triolo
Bishop’s Listening/Advisory Panel: Good Shepherd, Brooklyn
The Rev. Leticia Alanis
Mr. Thomas Sargent
The Rev. Kevin Vandiver
Synod Worship Committee
The Rev. Kelsey Brown
The Rev. Zachary Dean
Investment Committee
Mr. Yadira Alguera
Ms. Hazel Goldstein
Ms. Suzanne Hoglund
Mr. Erich Mauer
Mr. Mark Wilson, chair
Reference and Counsel
The Rev. Dr. Martha Cruz, co-chair
The Rev. Rebecca Pollicino, co-chair
S.Dcn. Jean Fucci
The Rev. John Jurik
The Rev. Kristin Wuerffel
Consultation Committee
The Rev. Danielle Miller, chair
The Rev. Justin Lathrop
Ms. Elaine Peters-Guthrie
Mr. Peter Tomasi
Nominations and Elections Committee
Mr. Leonel Avila (2022)
S.Dcn. Jasmine Downer (2022)
Ms. Louise Litke (2022)
S.Dcn. Karen Nurmi (2022)
The Rev. Sonja Maclary
The Rev. Kevin O’Hara, chair (2023)
S.Dcn. Jasmine Downer (2023)
The Rev. Emilce Erato (2023)
Ms. Louise Litke (2023)
The Rev. Sonja Maclary (2023)
S.Dcn. Karen Nurmi (2023)
S.Dcn. Robert Wechtenhiser (2023)




To Executive Committee:
The Rev. Chryll Crews
Ms. Cynthia Corley
The Rev. Jeanine Owens
The Rev. Gary Squire
S.Dcn. Dave Ehlers (to fill unexpired term of The Rev. Chryll Crews)
To Consultation Committee
The Rev. Linda Manson
To Discipline Committee
The Rev. Brenda Irving



Resolutions of Synod Council

1. ACTION SC21:06/01
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council extend a call to The Rev. Dr. Rebecca Ehrlich to serve as Associate Dean for Community Life / General Theological Seminary effective 1 August 2021.
2. ACTION SC21:06/02
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant retirement status to the Rev. William E. Baum effective 1 August 2021.
3. ACTION SC21:06/03
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant retirement status to the Rev. Brenda K. Smith effective 1 June 2021.
4. ACTION SC21:06/04
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council adopt the Ten-Year Plan for 2022-2031 as presented.
5. ACTION SC21:06/05
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council recommend the revised budget for FY 2022 and the proposed budget for FY 2023 to the Synod Assembly for adoption.  
6. ACTION SC21:06/06
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council accept an offer of $760,000 (or higher) for the property located at 3420 Giles Place, Bronx.
ADOPTED (19 in favor, 0 opposed, 3 abstentions)
7. ACTION SC21:06/07
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council accept an offer of $1,600,000 (or higher) for the property located at 435 East 140th Street, Bronx.   
ADOPTED (20 in favor, 0 opposed, 3 abstentions)
8. ACTION SC21:06/08
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council present the proposed agenda on August 20, 2021 for adoption by the Synod Assembly. 
9. ACTION SC21:06/09
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council present the proposed Standing Rules and Procedures on August 20, 2021 for adoption by the Synod Assembly. 
10. ACTION SC21:06/10
RESOLVED, that congregations and ministry sites throughout the Metropolitan New York Synod 
become acquainted with the Earth Charter and its principles;
consider joining the Earth Charter implementation initiative in our Synod;
prayerfully consider what actions to take to become better stewards of Creation; and
partner and communicate with the Metro NY Earth Charter Leadership Team, Metro NY Earth Charter congregations and ministry sites and Lutherans Restoring Creation to implement actions on behalf of God’s Creation, and present and future generations.
11. ACTION SC21:06/11
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council authorize MNYS membership in the coalition of organizations in New York Renews.
12. ACTION SC21:06/12
RESOLVED, that the MNYS Synod Council expresses its gratitude to Ed Wagner for nine years of service on and chairmanship of the Financial Management Committee.
13. ACTION SC21:09/01
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council extend a call to The Rev. Amanda Nesvold as Interim Pastor for Gloria Dei, Huntington Station effective 1 October 2021.
14. ACTION SC21:09/02
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant retirement status to The Rev. H. Gaylon Barker effective 1 August 2021; the Rev. Carla Meier effective 1 August 2021; and The Rev. Dr. Maritza Ortiz Cruz effective 1 September 2021.
15. ACTION SC21:09/03
RESOLVED, that the Synod Council adopt the Financial Statements and Report for the year ending January 31, 2021, prepared by Tait, Weller & Baker, Certified Public Accountants, noting that in the opinion of the auditors the financial statements taken as a whole present fairly the financial position of the Metropolitan New York Synod in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
16. ACTION SC21:09/04
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod retain the services of Tait, Weller & Baker, Certified Public Accountants, for the year ending January 31, 2022.
17. ACTION SC21:09/05
RESOLVED, that the Synod Council of the Metropolitan New York Synod directs that the supporting organization Evangelical Lutheran, Inc. be dissolved, that all necessary steps be taken to effect the  prompt and efficient dissolution of Evangelical Lutheran, Inc., and that the members of the board of Evangelical Lutheran, Inc. be relieved of their duties with thanks for their trustworthy service.
18. ACTION SC21:09/06
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Counsel list for sale the property located at 300 Genesee Avenue, Staten Island, New York.
ADOPTED (20 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions)  
19. ACTION SC21:09/07
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod appoint Cecil Spurlock-Shackelton as a lay male voting member to the 2022 Churchwide Assembly.  
20. ACTION SC21:09/08
RESOLVED, that the following persons are elected to serve on the Executive Committee from September 2021 through June 2022: Pr. Jeannine Owens, Pr. Chryll Crews, Pr. Gary Squire, and Ms. Cynthia Corley.
21. ACTION SC21:10/01
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant retirement status to The Rev. Johanna Andritz effective 1 November 2021 and The Rev. Dr. Charles Vogeley effective 1 November 2021.
22. ACTION SC21:10/02
RESOLVED, that Synodical financial support of Park Church Co-op conclude with the close of the January 31, 2022 fiscal year budget.
ADOPTED (unanimous vote)
23. ACTION SC21:10/03
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve the 2022 Clergy Compensation Guidelines as presented.
24. ACTION SC21:10/04
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council elected The Rev. Linda Manson to serve on the Consultation Committee through May 2026.  
25. ACTION SC21:10/05
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council elected The Rev. Brenda Irving to serve on the Discipline Committee through May 2026.  
26. ACTION SC21:10/06
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council elected S.Dcn. Dave Ehlers to fill the unexpired term of the Rev. Chryll Crews on the Executive Committee of the Synod Council.  
27. ACTION SC21:12/01
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council extend a call to the Rev. Martin Malzahn to serve a three year term as Clergy-in-Charge to the Episcopal parishes of St. Paul’s and the Church of the Incarnation, Jersey City, New Jersey in accordance with the provisions stated in the Call to Common Mission agreement between the ELCA and the Episcopal Church, USA, effective 31 Oct 2021.  
28. ACTION SC21:12/02
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council extend a call to the Rev. Lorie B. Tatum as Interim Pastor to St Stephen’s, Brooklyn, NY, effective 5 December 2021. 
29. ACTION SC21:12/03
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant On Leave from Call status to S.Dcn. John Malone, effective 1 Nov 2021.
30. ACTION SC21:12/04
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve the sale of 750 Kelly Street, Bronx to Christopher Curmi and DaeShawn Hall for $815,000.00.  
ADOPTED (18 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 absention)
31. ACTION SC21:12/05
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve the designated 2022 Housing Allowances as presented.  
32. ACTION SC21:12/06
RESOLVED, that the Synod Council of the Metropolitan New York Synod delegates to the bishop's strategic plan (also known as Vision 2025) the dissolution, formation and coordination of any committee, subcommittee, or working group of this Synod other than those committees required by the Synod Constitution.
33. SC22:01/01
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council extend a call to The Rev. Marianne Tomecek to serve as Interim Pastor to the congregation of St. Andrew’s, West Hempstead effective 14 November 2021.
34. ACTION SC22:01/02
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council authorize the Executive Committee to secure a contracted Project Manager for one year, renewable.  
35. ACTION SC22:01/03
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve the revised MNYS Events policy effective 18 January 2022.
36. ACTION SC22:01/04
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council gives consent to Bishop Egensteiner to call for a special meeting of the synod assembly on 6 May 2022.
37. ACTION SC22:01/05
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council takes no exception to the sale of the property located at 40 Barton Street, Newburgh by the congregation of Christ Lutheran Church, Newburgh.
38. ACTION SC22:03/01 
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council authorize Koinonia to solicit MNYS congregations to participate and contribute to Koinonia’s three-year $1 million dollar capital campaign beginning in 2022.  
39. ACTION SC22:03/02
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council extend a call to The Rev. Marc Herbst as Interim Pastor for Good Shepherd, Plainview effective 1 Feb 2022.
40. ACTION SC22:03/03
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council extend a call to The Rev. Dr. Frederick Weidmann to serve as Pastor for the Church in the Gardens (UCC congregation), Forest Hills, NY effective 22 March 2022. 
41. ACTION SC22:03/04
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council extend a call to The Rev. Kerstin Weidmann to serve as Interim Pastor for Grace, Forest Hills, NY effective 22 March 2022. 
42. ACTION SC22:03/05
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council extend On Leave from Call status to The Rev. Dr. Harvard Stephens, Jr. effective 1 January 2022. 
43. ACTION SC22:03/06
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council renew On Leave from Call status (for study) to The Rev. Elsa Marty in accordance with ELCA protocol effective 1 Dec 2019 – 1 Dec 2025.
44. ACTION SC22:03/07
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council accept the resignation of the Rev. Scott Adams, PhD, from the roster of Ministers of Word and Sacrament of the ELCA effective 22 March 2022. 
45. ACTION SC22:03/08
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council accept the resignation of Terrence Weber from the roster of Ministers of Word and Sacrament of the ELCA effective 25 January 2022.
46. ACTION SC22:03/09
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve the sale of the property located at 750 Kelly Street, Bronx to Christopher Curmi-Hall and Daeshawn Curmi-Hall in the amount of $815,000.  
ADOPTED (18 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstentions)
47. ACTION SC22:03/10
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve the sale of the property located at 435 E 140th Street, Bronx to Steven Westreich in the amount of $1,200,000.  
ADOPTED (19 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention)
48. ACTION SC22:03/11
RESOLVED, that for the reasons set forth above, all of which are included and incorporated herein and made a part hereof as if fully set forth, the Synod, pursuant to Section 13.24 of its constitution and New York Religious Corporations Law section 17-c(2), does hereby take charge and control of the real and personal property (including the Property) of Christ Evangelical to hold, manage, and convey it on behalf of the Synod; and it is further
RESOLVED, that based upon the facts recited and for the reasons set forth above, all of which are included and incorporated herein and made a part hereof as if fully set forth here, the Synod Council hereby approves of the formation of the Synod LLC and the transfer of the Property to the Synod LLC (if applicable and desired by the Synod); and it is further
RESOLVED, if the Synod LLC is formed, the sole purpose shall be to hold, manage, and convey title to the Property for, on behalf of, and at the direction and convenience of the Synod, its sole member and manager; and it is further 
RESOLVED, that the dissolution of the Synod is not contemplated following the transfer of the real and personal property of Christ Evangelical to the Synod and upon the formation and transfer the Property (if applicable) to the Synod LLC.
ADOPTED (20 in favor, 0 opposed)
49. ACTION SC22:12
RESOLVED, that the balance of the $500,000 grant, in the amount of $50,000, be given to Epiphany, with money coming from the Legacy Fund.
ADOPTED (13 in favor, 8 opposed)
50. ACTION SC22:03/13
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council consider and approve the proposal for merger submitted by the congregations of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church of Staten Island, NY (ELCA ID #03894) “Trinity” with Our Saviour Lutheran Church (ELCA ID #10515)  “Our Saviour”with the following provisions:
1. The congregation of Our Saviour will be merged with and into Trinity
2. The merged congregation’s financial plan include a stewardship plan that supports mission and ministry in partnership with the Metropolitan New York Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
3. The merged congregation gift a portion from the proceeds of the sale of property to the Metropolitan New York Synod.
51. ACTION SC22:03/14
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council consider and approve conveyance of the cemetery parcel located at 51A Airmont Rd, So. Suffern, NY in “as is” condition to Virgin Mary & St. Pakhomious Coptic Orthodox Church, Inc.  
ADOPTED (18 in favor, 0 opposed)
52. ACTION SC22:03/15
RESOLVED by the Synod Council to apply section 13.24 of the Constitution of the Synod to Immanuel Lutheran Church, 122 E 88TH Street, New York, NY  (IMMANUEL) and to take charge and control of the property of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Manhattan, to hold, manage, and convey the same on behalf of this synod, and it is further
RESOLVED, that the following are hereby appointed as trustees, with the with full power to hold and manage the property of IMMANUEL on behalf of the SYNOD in all regards relating directly or indirectly to the taking charge and control of the property of IMMANUEL and in holding, managing and conveying such property of IMMANUEL on behalf of the SYNOD, to wit: The Rev. Kevin Vandiver, The Rev. William Kroeze / The Rev. Danielle Miller and S. Dcn. David Ehlers, and it is further
RESOLVED, that the signature of any two of the Trustees acting to take charge and control of the property of IMMANUEL and to hold, manage, and convey the property of IMMANUEL on behalf of the SYNOD shall be binding upon and considered as the act of all of the Trustees.  No person or party acting in reliance of the signature of one such Trustee as binding upon all Trustees shall be charged with notice of any revocation or change of such authority unless he, she or it shall have received actual written notice thereof.  No person or party shall be required to look behind the signature of such Trustee.
ADOPTED (20 in favor, 0 opposed)
53. ACTION SC22:04/01
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council extend a call to the Rev. Dr. Martha Cruz to serve as Interim Pastor for Fordham, Bronx effective 3 April 2022.
54.  ACTION SC22:04/02
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant On Leave from Call status to S.Dcn. Grace Sabella effective 1 June 2022. 
55. ACTION SC22:04/03
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council present for adoption the proposed agenda for the Special Meeting of the Synod Assembly on May 6, 2022.  
56. ACTION SC22:04/04
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant authority to the Executive Committee to enter into contract with a buyer for the property located at 129 Russell Street, Brooklyn for a sale price of $4,100,000 or higher.   
ADOPTED (18 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstentions)
57. ACTION SC22:04/05
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve the sale of the property located at 1037 72nd Street, Brooklyn to Levi Leifer (or entity controlled by him) in the amount of $5,150,000.00.
ADOPTED (19 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention)
58. ACTION SC22:04/06
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council lease the property located at 3 Church Road,Suffern to Virgin Mary & St. Pakhomious Coptic Orthodox Church.  
ADOPTED (19 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention)
59. ACTION SC22:04/07
RESOLVED, that the Rev. Robert Schoepflin be nominated for the office of Synod Secretary.
60. ACTION SC22:06/01
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant On Leave from Call status to the Rev. Dr. Rebecca Ehrlich effective 1 May 2022
61. ACTION SC22:06/02
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve retirement status for the Rev. Dr. William Damrow effective 1 September 2022.
62. ACTION SC22:06/03
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve retirement status for the Rev. Mark Erson, effective 1 August 2022.
63. ACTION SC22:06/04
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve the Black Equity Table’s reparations proposal for technology / live stream as presented. 
ADOPTED  (1 abstention)
64. ACTION SC22:06/05
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council accept the offer of $730,000 from Ricardo Cabrera and enter into contract for the sale of the property located at 3420 Giles Place, Bronx. 
65. ACTION SC22:06/06
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant an extension to  Immanuel, Manhattan  to exercise their right to appeal the Synod Council action of March 2022 until 30 June 2022.
66. ACTION SC22:06/07
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council take no exception to the sale of the property located at 411 Bayview Avenue, Cedarhurst, NY  11516 by St. John – Incarnation Lutheran Church.
67. ACTION SC22:06/08
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve the position of the Ministry Legacy Project Manager and offer the position to the Rev. Robert Wollenburg. 
68. ACTION SC22:06/09
RESOLVED, that the following persons are elected to serve on the Executive Committee from June 2022 through June 2023: Ms. Cynthia Corley; S.Dcn. David Ehlers; Pr. Jeannine Owens, Pr. Garry Squire
69. ACTION SC22:06/10
WHEREAS, Renée Wicklund has performed the Office of the Vice-President of the Metropolitan New York Synod competently and skillfully, and has provided specialized expertise and care for the members ofThe Metropolitan New York synod; therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod expresses its heartfelt gratitude and Appreciation for Vice-President Renée Wicklund and her willingness to serve this Synod during a time of unprecedented need; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod upholds Vice-President Renée Wicklund’s Dedicated service to our Church.
70. ACTION SC22:09/01
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve the proposed rate schedule for the 2023 Synod Assembly.
71. ACTION SC22:09/02
RESOLVED, that the Synod Council adopt the Financial Statements and Report for the year ending January 31, 2022 prepared by Tait, Weller & Baker, Certified Public Accountants, noting that in the opinion of the auditors the financial statements taken as a whole present fairly the financial position of the Metropolitan New York Synod in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
72. ACTION SC22:09/03
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod retain the services of Tait, Weller & Baker, Certified Public Accountants, for the year ending January 31, 2023.
73. ACTION SC22:09/04
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council appoint Dr. Raymond Cheung to complete the Synod Council unexpired term for Layman / Tappan Zee Conference effective Oct 1 2022 thru the 2024 Synod Assembly.
74. ACTION SC22:09/05
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve the 2023 Minimum Expectations for Clergy Compensation as presented.
75. ACTION SC22:09/06
RESOLVED, that the Agreement, as prepared and negotiated by MNYS’s legal counsel for sale of the Property located at 7 Georgia Lane, Otisville, New York 10963 to Purchaser, in “as is” condition or $80,000.00 is hereby approved and authorized by the Metropolitan New York Synod Council
ADOPTED (via email vote) (23 in favor, 0 opposed)  
76. ACTION SC22:09/07
RESOLVED, that the Purchase & Sale Agreement, as prepared and negotiated by MNYS’s legal counsel for sale of the Property located at 300 Genesee Avenue, Staten Island, New York 10312 Purchaser, in “as is” condition for $4,000,000.00 is hereby approved and authorized by the Metropolitan New York Synod Council. 
ADOPTED (via email vote)  (23 in favor, 0 opposed)  
77. ACTION SC22:09/08
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council extend a Two Year Term-Call to the Rev. Luís Ivan Echandía to serve as pastor to the congregations of Epiphany-Epifania, Hempstead and Grace Uniondale effective Oct 1 2022 – Sep 30 2024. 
78. ACTION SC22:09/09
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council extend a call to the Rev. Austin Newberry to serve as interim pastor to the congregation of St. John’s, Manhattan effective September 15, 2022
79. ACTION SC22:09/10
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant On Leave from Call status to the Rev. Jacob Simpson effective June 30, 2022. 
80. ACTION SC22:09/11
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant retirement status to The Rev. John Jurik effective 1 July 2022; The Rev. Peter Rustico effective 1 December 2022; The Rev. Thomas E Taylor effective 1 September 2022; the Rev. Susan Shelhart effective 1 November 2022 and Deacon Nadine Cordes effective 1 September 2022.
81. ACTION SC22:09/12
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council revoke the retirement status of the Rev. Robert Rainis effective 24 September 2022.
ADOPTED (18 in favor, 0 opposed)
82. ACTION SC22:11/01 
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve the designated 2023 Housing Allowances as presented. 
83. ACTION SC22:11/02
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve the proposed Charter for the Investment Committee as presented. 
84. ACTION SC22:11/03
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve the proposed Charter for the Vision Team as presented. 
85. ACTION SC22:11/04
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve the proposed Executive Committee / Synod Council 2023 meeting schedule as presented. 
86. ACTION SC22:11/05
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant On Leave from Call status to 
the Rev. Stephanie Kershner effective 1 September 2022. 
87. ACTION SC22:11/06
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council renew On Leave from Call for Graduate Study status to the Rev. Elsa Marty effective 1 December 2022. 
88. ACTION SC22:11/07
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant retirement status to the Rev. Mark Wilhelm effective 1 February 2023.
89. ACTION SC23:1/01
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council adopt the Synod Council Community Agreement.  
90. ACTION S23:01/02
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council takes no exception to the sale of Lot 75 / Ionia Avenue, Staten Island NY and the Lot @ Route 374, Saranac NY by the congregation of Messiah Lutheran Church, Staten Island. 
91. ACTION S23:01/03
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve the (8) Trexler grant applications that have been reviewed, presented and recommended for approval by the Trexler Grant review team. 
92. ACTION S23:01/04
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council appoint John Litke to serve as the Interim Treasurer for the Metropolitan New York Synod effective May 6, 2022.
93. ACTION S23:01/05
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council extend a call to The Rev. Andrea Hickey to serve as a chaplain employed by Catholic Health Systems / Good Shepherd Hospice effective April 1, 2022.
94. ACTION S23:01/06
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council renew On leave from Call status for The Rev. Ann Tiemeyer effective January 15, 2023.
95. ACTION S23:01/07
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant On leave from Call status for The Rev. Amanda Nesvold effective February 1, 2023. 
96. ACTION S23:01/08
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant Deacon Janet Scheiper On leave from Call status retroactively from June 1, 2010 – Oct 17, 2010 and retired status retroactively effective October 17, 2010. 
97. ACTION S23:01/09
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant On leave from Call status for S.Dcn. Camille Holman effective January 1, 2023. 
98. ACTION SC23:03/01 (Special Meeting)
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve the offer of $675,000 for the property located at 750 Kelly Street, Bronx, NY. 
ADOPTED (13 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions)
99. ACTION SC23:03/02 (Special Meeting)
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council appoint Pastor Danielle Miller and Pastor Luis Echandia to fill the unexpired terms of Pastor Peter Rustico and Pastor Jeanne Warfield on the Consultation Committee through 2024.
100. ACTION SC23:03/01
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council present the Standing Rules and Procedures on May 5, 2023 for adoption by the Synod Assembly. 
101. ACTION SC23:03/02
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council present the proposed agenda on May 5, 2023 for adoption by the Synod Assembly.
102. ACTION SC23:03/03
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council approve a Trexler grant for the Rev. Robert Fritch in the amount of $975.
           ACTION SC23:03/04
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council extend a call to The Rev. Rebekah Swanson to serve as interim pastor for St. John’s Lutheran Church, Middletown effective March 16, 2023.
           ACTION SC23:03/05
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant On Leave from Call status to the Rev. James Krauser effective March 1, 2023. 
           ACTION SC23:03/06
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant retirement status to The Rev. Harriet Wieber effective August 1, 2023.
103.  ACTION SC23:03/07
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council grant retirement status to Deacon Jacqueline Mize-Baker effective January 1, 2023.
ACTION SC23:03/08
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council consents to Bishop Egensteiner’s appointments to the Committee on Reference and Counsel.
ACTION SC23:03/09
RESOLVED, that the Metropolitan New York Synod Council consents to Bishop Egensteiner’s appointments to the Nominations and Elections Committee.
104.  ACTION SA2016:05.10 / EC2023:04.01
Bishop Egensteiner:  $184,992; Assistants to the Bishop:  $689,268.
Respectfully submitted,
The Rev. Robert P. Schoepflin
Secretary, MNYS