
The Rev. Jennifer Herrmann

The Rev. Jennifer Herrmann

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Full Name:
Jennifer Herrmann

Congregation, Synod, Churchwide Affiliations:
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sandusky, OH

Current Role/Position:

Length of Time in Ministry (include each location/organization and corresponding number of years):
Pastor: First and Immanuel Lutheran Churches, Warren, MN, 2003-2008
Associate Pastor: Trinity Lutheran Church, Wauseon, OH, 2008-2014
Interim Associate Pastor: Zoar Lutheran, Perrysburg, OH, 2014-2016
Pastor: Good Samaritan Lutheran Church, Pontiac, MI, 2016-2023
Pastor: Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sandusky, OH, 2023-present. 

Educational Background (include degrees, institutions, and fields of study):
Indiana State University: B.S. Recreational Management
Lutheran School of Theology: M.Div.
San Francisco Theological Seminary: Spiritual Direction study 

Previous Leadership Roles (within and beyond the synod):
Discipline Committee SEMI synod

Experience Serving in Diverse Communities:
8 years

Leadership and Vision: What is your vision for our synod? How would you approach its implementation?
I am honored and delighted to be recognized as someone with gifts and skills that are worthy of being considered.  I have not seriously thought of being a bishop in the church, but my hope and vision for all synods is to be a resource, support, guide, and leader for the churches they support.  

Administrative and Operational Expertise: How have you supported and equipped a team, staff, and/or volunteers to handle complex organizational challenges? Please provide a specific example.
I have walked with staff and teams in both positive and negative circumstances, but not with large groups or large organizations. 

Diversity and Inclusion: How are you actively celebrating and engaging diversity in your current role? What impact does it have? How are you continuing to learn and grow in this area of your work?
I continue to work at learning how to be an antiracist in my everyday life. I seek the leadership, guidance, and experience of those who are different from my lived experience.  I am a proud supporter of LGBTQIA2S+ communities.  This is important to me as pastor, parent, and person.  

Pastoral Care: How would you balance the pastoral role of the bishop with the demands of administrative leadership?
Carefully and with support and delegation! 

Public Leadership: How have you advocated for the church’s mission in a public or cultural space? What impact does your leadership have? What were your metrics for measuring success? What would this work look like in your service as bishop?
Most of my leadership has only been in congregations.  I try to help them understand the bigger expressions of our church.  Were I to be a bishop, I'd seek to be the leader that I hear both pastors and congregations want: someone who is a compassionate advocate for pastors and congregations in being faithful to God and to neighbor. 

Bold and Courageous Leadership: Describe a bold or innovative action you took to reimagine ministry or strengthen a community. What were the challenges, and what was the outcome?
The boldest action that I have undertaken as a pastor has been in closing a congregation.  It was an incredible experience to walk with a congregation for 7 years leading into their closing.  We had the honor of selling the building and making significant gifts to both the synod and local ministries in response to how we saw our legacy being lived out.  We made sure that everyone was connected to another church before closing.  While it was a hard choice to make, I think we left with everyone feeling very much at peace.  

Spiritual Life and Practices: How do you nurture your spiritual life and relationship with God amidst the demands of leadership? Share specific practices or disciplines that sustain you and provide an example of how your spiritual grounding has shaped your leadership.
I practice watercolor when I pray to help me focus.  I meet with a spiritual director.  I look for ways to worship when I am not in an active role in a service.  I take Micah 6:8 as direction.  Doing justice, working to right injustices, speaking out for the needs of others is part of my relationship with God and others.  Seeking kindness, mercy and showing love is central to my faith.  And we are all meant to walk humbly with the support of the beloved community.  