
Results: 279 Articles found.
  • bishop04-jpg-1

    Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton's January 2019 Message

    Ah, a new year! It opens up before us with infinite possibilities like brand new notebooks at the beginning of the school year or the beginning of football season in Cleveland—everyone has a 4.0, everyone is undefeated!At the turn of the new year it seems possible to slough off the failures and disappointments of the past, leave one’s old self behind and start a new life. In this glow we begin to make all kinds of resolutions, not just for the amendment of our lives but for the perfection of our​

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  • bishop04-jpg-1

    Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton's December 2018 Message

    Christmas comes at a descending time. The old year is coming to an end, the new year is not yet here. It is too late to accomplish goals set on the previous New Year’s Day, and just enough time to realize that whatever shape or state you are in will be the shape or state in which you end the year. There is a hefty dose of “what might have been.”

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    Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton's October 2018 Message

    This month marks the 501st anniversary of the Reformation. Last year it was all Reformation all the time. It was our year! News, media and the public paid attention. Hundreds of Reformation-themed events took place. Documentaries were produced and joyful liturgies with our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters were held. I have lost track of the number of “Flat Luther” photos that were taken. Even Lutherans in parts of the U.S. where Lutherans are not dense were noticed!

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  • Lutheran Social Services of New York Serves and Protects Unaccompanied and Separated Children

    The unaccompanied children in our care live in a group home or temporary foster care placements that are in a home-like setting, and receive high-quality, trauma-informed and culturally-sensitive services, including mental and medical health care services, case management, bilingual education in all main subjects, socialization and recreational activities. “And it is through our caring staff, volunteers and foster parents that we continue to serve as an example of Christ’s love in action.”

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  • La Obispa Presidente del ELCA responde a la decision de la Corte Suprema

    "Me siento consternado por la reciente decisión de la Corte Suprema, concerniente a la autoridad del presidente de restringir viajes hacia los Estados Unidos. Fuertes procedimientos de examinación migratoria ya han sido autorizados por el Congreso, así como revisiones de aplicaciones para posibles enlaces al terrorismo también se han puesto en su lugar. Por lo tanto, restringir a todos los viajeros de ciertos países simplemente porque son ciudadanos de los mismos, es profundamente preocupante."​

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Results: 279 Articles found.