
Results: 279 Articles found.
  • divest

    Working together to stop global warming

    Learn how the Metro New York Synod came to divest from fossil fuels in six months.

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  • stthomashouse

    Difficult decisions provide resources and hope

    When our synod embarked on a new ministry in the Bronx, it wasn’t expected to be easy. As the neighborhood changed and new challenges were faced, our Synod Council and staff looked for all available options.

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    Caring for our leaders

    Those who are charged with taking care of others can also be the worst at taking care of themselves. Which is why throughout our church, we are blessed to have initiatives that care for our leaders. Not only is healthier behavior and financial wellbeing encouraged, it is rewarded!

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  • the_vine_logo

    Tending the vineyard of campus ministry

    Pr. Becca Seely is started as the pastor of The Vine NYC and Executive Director of Lutheran Ministries in Higher Education (LMHE).

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  • Backpacks___Volunteers_at_Redeemer-St.Johns_Brooklyn

    Back to School is how we are Getting Back to Community

    From backpacks to blessings, throughout the Metropolitan New York Synod, teachers, administrators, students, and parents are all finding ways to mark and prepare for the new school year.

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    Rise Up, Together

    When 30,000 youth and leaders meet up in Detroit, MI for the ELCA Youth Gathering, you have to expect there will be stories to tell after.

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  • rarSA2015

    Holy conversations

    Opportunities for Indaba, a model for engaging one another in discussion, were threaded throughout the 2015 Synod Assembly, leading to holy conversations taking place from around the dinner table to at the microphone while debating resolutions.

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  • multicultural2015

    Planting seeds for transformation

    Over 150 people from around the synod gathered for “Together We Can Do More,” a multicultural event focused on breaking down barriers and building relationships.

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    Merger yields a sense of possibility

    When Augustana Lutheran Church in East Elmhurst merged with Grace Lutheran Church in Astoria last fall, it had been a long time coming. The Queens congregations sat a mile apart, had a history of shared worship, and actually considered merging as long as 25 years ago.

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  • unscw2015

    Toward an equitable world: Lutherans and the status of women

    ELCA members recently attended the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in New York City. How can Lutherans help bring about gender equality worldwide?

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Results: 279 Articles found.