2024 ELCA National Youth Gathering
New Orleans, LA

What does a week at the ELCA Youth Gathering look like?
Let us share some photos and stories with you.
The ELCA Youth Gathering kicked off with two separate pre-events: MYLE (Multi-Cultural Youth Leadership Event) and the tAble (for those with physical, cognitive, or emotional disabilities). These pre-Gathering events had their own programming three days prior to the start of the Gathering and continued with the general Gathering programming. Pastor Nicole Schwalbe brought some of her young people from the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Mt. Kisco to the tAble. She writes:
“I just spent the last three days at the pre-gathering tAble event with two young men from my congregation and their mother. There were about 40 young people and their caregivers from around the country. The youth there all had one thing in common. The world labels them “disabled.” But what I saw was children who were fearfully and wonderfully made and Abled in so many and various ways. The space was one of the most supportive, non-judgmental and loving of which I have ever been a part. Children were making new friends, and caregivers were offered respite and their own time apart. The theme that kept emerging was how this so rarely happens. What an enormous gift. Thank you to the people who planned, supported and executed this event and thank you to those of you who include people the world labels as disabled fully into your congregation.”

Our theme for the Youth Gathering, which was a focus at our Mass Gatherings each night, was Created to Be with each day providing a different focus: brace, authentic, free, disruptive, and disciples. At our Mass Gathering all 16,000 of the Gathering attendees joined together at the Smoothie King Center each night around music and speakers on our daily theme. We heard from youth, pastors, authors, and musicians from a variety of backgrounds share their stories of how God created them and us to be who we are in this time and place. The energy was contagious with cell phones lighting up the arena as we sang a rendition of This Little Light of Mine to spontaneous waves, cheers, and dancing.

On interactive learning day congregations got the chance to explore the Convention Center which was filled with a Holy Playground of games and opportunities to learn about the many different ministries of the ELCA. Longer than three football fields, there was plenty to do and to learn on Interactive Learning Day.
Every congregation was partnered up with different organizations in and around the city of New Orleans for Accompaniment Day, a day of service work and learning. Zahrah Chin, Daniel Kinsedahl, Kayla Sorensen and Pastor Kim Wilson from Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Glen Head shared what their Accompaniment Day was like.
“This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!” Psalm 118:24. On Day 3 in New Orleans, the youth of Our Savior’s in Glen Head had the joyful opportunity to accompany Rolling River Rescue, a foster based rescue organization in the Greater New Orleans area. Rolling River Rescue runs entirely on donations. Their mission is to take animals into foster homes, get them healthy, spayed/neutered, microchipped and then find them loving, forever homes. We were excited to accompany them in their work. We recalled Job 12:10, “In God’s hand is the life of every living creature.”
We were joined by groups of Lutheran youth from Denver, Colorado and Champaign, Illinois. At first, we were strangers but as soon as we started working together and putting up crates, giving loving attention to cats and dogs waiting to be adopted, we formed a community of faith, kindness and care. From our new furry friends, we experienced trust and unconditional love despite the suffering they had endured. Many of the dogs were rescued from kill shelters. At the end of our work day, three dogs found homes and hundreds of dollars were raised to support this important mission. We experienced joy being with all God’s creatures big and small.
In the evening, we gathered with our new friends for worship and inspiration at the Smoothie King Arena. We were blessed by the encouraging witness of Pastor Drew Trucker, Austin Channing Brown, Pastor Keats Miles-Wallace and many others who encouraged us to be free to be ourselves. Austin Channing Brown reminded us “that the freedom work we are called to is to honor the human dignity of every person in the world.” In our Church, there is a place for every one of us and all are free to be exactly who God created us to be.”
Our Synod Day began with congregations challenging one another is a scavenger hunt that lead us to explore the culture and history of New Orleans. Congratulations to St. John St. Matthew Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Brooklyn who won the hunt by a mere 50 points!
Later that afternoon our entire Synod gathered together with all the Synods and congregations from Region 7 for worship. Our worship was primarily lead by the youth, even our preacher, 14 year old Minister Tiese from South Eastern PA, delivered a powerful message of being the light in this world.
Following worship we got the chance to share a meal together as a Synod at Tujane’s Restaurant, the second oldest restaurant in New Orleans before concluding our day with the Mass Gathering.
The gathering concluded Saturday morning with closing worship, as we worshipped 16,000 strong and celebrated Holy Communion. It is quite something to witness and be a part of that many people sharing the Eucharist together. The Lutheran refrain “and also with you” rang loud with that many people participating in the liturgy. As part of our closing worship, Deacon Jess Liles was installed as Gathering Director for the 2027 Youth Gathering which will be held in Minneapolis, MN. We hope to see you there!
For many of our congregations from Metro NY it was an adventure traveling home from the Gathering. Caught in the middle of computer issues airlines were having, many flight were cancelled and rescheduled resulting in some congregation waiting it out a few more days in New Orleans to be rebooked on a new flight and other finding alternative travel back home. Multiple congregations with 50 people in total whose flight was cancelled on Saturday night ended up renting a bus to take them back from New Orleans to New York. After a long fun and faith filled week, it was good to be back home.
See you in 2027!
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