Environmental Stewardship Committee
The Environmental Stewardship Committee works to educate churches on issues of environmental integrity and promotes specific actions that each church community and member can take to act with greater environmental responsibility. We do this because we believe that creation is yet another one of God’s gifts to us, and it is our responsibility to care for it.
We encourage all synod churches to
- increase their commitment to recycle
- use recycled materials
- reduce the amount of waste produced
- conduct energy audits
- adopt cleaner and renewable energy sources
- work to protect our precious shared resources of land, air, and water
We are committed to the goal set by the 2010 Synod Assembly of reducing energy-related greenhouse gas emissions by 5% a year, with the ultimate goal of reducing emissions by 25-40% by 2020.
What steps—small or large—is your congregation taking to care for creation? Let us know at [email protected].
Civil Disobedience and the Planet – What Would Jesus Do?
Energy Audits
NYSERDA (New York State Energy Research and Development Authority)
Performs free energy assessments for non-profit organizations
Figure out your congregation’s carbon footprint using a calculator specifically formulated for houses of worship
Solar Panels & Other Renewable Energy Sources
New York State funding sources
Tax credits, rebates, grants and loans for renewable energy
Examples of Large-Scale Congregational Projects
Emanuel Lutheran Church, Pleasantville, New York
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Chatham, New Jersey
Worship Resources
The Green Bible
Printed on recycled paper, this Bible highlights verses and passages about God's care for creation in green and offers essays
Lutheran Study Guide to Pope Francis' letter on Climate Change
This is a four-week educational resource from Hudson Valley Cooperative, which is funded by the Sower's Project and led by Terra Rowe. Intended for adult education in churches, as well as college and seminary classrooms, this resource also takes up the theme of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation.
Week 1: Introduction: climate change and faith
Week 2: Claimed by God, claiming our calling
Week 3: Gathered into an integral ecology
Week 4: Sent: Eco-reformation
Climate Change Information
Climate information from working climate scientists
Skeptical Science
Taking a look at global warming skepticism
Lutherans Restoring Creation
ELCA Caring for Creation
Creation Justice Ministries
Long Island Interfaith Environmental Network
National Religious Partnership for the Environment
New York Interfaith Power and Light
Green Faith

Environmental Stewardship Committee
The Environmental Stewardship Committee works to educate churches on issues of environmental integrity and promotes specific actions that each church community and member can take to act with greater environmental responsibility. We do this because we believe that creation is yet another one of God’s gifts to us, and it is our responsibility to care for it.
We encourage all synod churches to
- increase their commitment to recycle
- use recycled materials
- reduce the amount of waste produced
- conduct energy audits
- adopt cleaner and renewable energy sources
- work to protect our precious shared resources of land, air, and water
We are committed to the goal set by the 2010 Synod Assembly of reducing energy-related greenhouse gas emissions by 5% a year, with the ultimate goal of reducing emissions by 25-40% by 2020.
What steps—small or large—is your congregation taking to care for creation? Let us know at [email protected].
Civil Disobedience and the Planet – What Would Jesus Do?
Energy Audits
NYSERDA (New York State Energy Research and Development Authority)
Performs free energy assessments for non-profit organizations
Figure out your congregation’s carbon footprint using a calculator specifically formulated for houses of worship
Solar Panels & Other Renewable Energy Sources
New York State funding sources
Tax credits, rebates, grants and loans for renewable energy
Examples of Large-Scale Congregational Projects
Emanuel Lutheran Church, Pleasantville, New York
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Chatham, New Jersey
Worship Resources
The Green Bible
Printed on recycled paper, this Bible highlights verses and passages about God's care for creation in green and offers essays
Lutheran Study Guide to Pope Francis' letter on Climate Change
This is a four-week educational resource from Hudson Valley Cooperative, which is funded by the Sower's Project and led by Terra Rowe. Intended for adult education in churches, as well as college and seminary classrooms, this resource also takes up the theme of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation.
Week 1: Introduction: climate change and faith
Week 2: Claimed by God, claiming our calling
Week 3: Gathered into an integral ecology
Week 4: Sent: Eco-reformation
Climate Change Information
Climate information from working climate scientists
Skeptical Science
Taking a look at global warming skepticism
Lutherans Restoring Creation
ELCA Caring for Creation
Creation Justice Ministries
Long Island Interfaith Environmental Network
National Religious Partnership for the Environment
New York Interfaith Power and Light
Green Faith