Building for Mission Grant

Building for Mission Grant

Information and Instructions

This capital grant is for congregations with specific growth plans. These growth plans must have a direct impact on mission, outreach, and/or evangelism.

Growth enhancing methods can include, but are not limited to:  re-modeled and innovative worship spaces; intentional community evangelism including the development of shelters, music ministry, youth and family ministry, immigration centers, education spaces, missional economic enterprises; and innovative programs for hospitality.

Congregations applying are expected to be faithful partners with the synod. Congregation and Pastor(s) should regularly submit their annual reports, mission commitment forms and gifts, and attend and participate in synod events.

Many congregations need additional resources to grow mission and ministry in their context.  The synod has allocated $300,000 annually toward approved applications. Grants will be a proportion of the project’s total cost. The goal is to create diverse, vibrant and growing communities of faith focused on increasing their support of and engagement in God’s mission, both locally and globally. Expected outcomes are:

Significant numerical growth in worship attendance and/or participation in the life of the congregation.
Empowered leadership that is self-reliant (shared leadership/leadership development)
Community engagement (community partners; social ministry and justice)
Inclusivity of all in the service area (the congregation is more and more reflective of the demographics of the mission field)
A deepening of discipleship of those involved in the ministry (discipleship/faith practices)
Sound stewardship practices with a minimum of 10% of income given to the synod as mission support (holistic year-round stewardship)
Contextual worship and music ministry (quality & relevant worship life)
Effective networking (connectedness to ELCA congregations, ecumenical and community partners)

The Process:

1. After your congregation has identified a need and purpose, a plan should be submitted along with an Initial Interview Request Form. (Click here to obtain the form.) The plan should include the missional goals as well as the plans for the physical project. These should include but not be limited to:

  • Conceptual plans for the project
  • Timelines from planning through construction to completion
  • Total disclosure of all assets
  • A financial plan for the project
    • Estimates of projected cost
    • Available capital and possible loan options
    • Commitment of the congregation’s membership to this project
    • Grant request amount

2. An interview will be set up with members from your congregation and grant review team members to discuss the submitted plan.
3. The grant review team will present your plan to the Gathered Strategy Committee.
4. If the Gathered Strategy Committee endorses your plan, the congregation will complete a grant application, which will be presented to the Executive Committee and Synod Council for approval.
