Trexler Study and Travel Grants
The endowment fund created by the Reverend Samuel Trexler, D.D., S.T.D., LL.D., was established to enable Lutheran pastors and seminarians under the care of the Metropolitan New York Synod to undertake programs of study and travel abroad or in the United States to support them in their ongoing education and formation in faith and theological understanding that serves to enhance the practice of ministry.
Dr. Trexler, who was ordained to the Lutheran ministry in 1899, served the church as a home mission pastor, as a pastor to established congregations, as a campus pastor and as president of the Board of Foreign Missions. He was the first president of the United Lutheran Synod of New York and also held other positions of leadership in that and the predecessor synod between 1920 and 1944. Author of at least four books, he died in New York on May 30, 1949.
The Trexler fund began with Dr. Trexler’s initial gift and a bequest from his estate at the time of his death. Additional gifts from congregations, the synod and individuals augmented the resources of this endowment, interest on the principal of which is used for disbursing grants to pastors and seminarians.
The aim of this fellowship grant program is stated by the synod, to whom the fund is entrusted, as follows:
"The purpose of this Fellowship shall be to make funds available so as to provide fellowships to ordained ministers and endorsed seminarians of the Metropolitan New York Synod, who desire and seek aid for advanced study in America or in other countries, in order that they might increase their knowledge and value in the ministry of our Lutheran Church."
The fellowship grants are made to support pastors and seminarians in their continuing education and life-long-learning; this particular fund is not intended to provide support for those seeking degrees.
Application and Granting Process
- Applicants are required to be ELCA clergy members in the Metropolitan New York Synod or endorsed seminarians under the care of this synod.
- Pastors under call to congregations making application for Trexler grants shall secure the approval of their congregation council for the study and travel and for any absence from the parish during the period study and/or travel.
- Pastors in non-congregational ministries should secure approval, as appropriate and pertinent, from one exercising supervision over them.
- Applications can be downloaded here and filled out electronically. Please send applications as an email attachment to [email protected] or in the mail to Director of Grant Management, Metropolitan New York Synod, 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1620, New York, NY 10115.
- Applicants will be considered throughout the calendar year. Fellowship grants will be made so long as interest income from the fund is sufficient. Before you apply, therefore, you may wish to enquire at the synod office whether or not funds are currently available.
- When applications are received, the Director of Grant Management will convene an ad hoc committee of synod staff persons to review and evaluate applications, making a recommendation to the Synod Council for their consideration and possible approval.
- Applicants will be notified of the Synod Council decision. If the application is approved, in a reply to the synod office, please indicate when you would need disbursement of funds and to whom the check should be written.
- Normally at this time, the maximum grant is $1,000.
- Monies not used for the purpose designated in the application shall be returned to the synod for reincorporation into the fund.
- Within six months of the completion of the study trip and/or extracurricular continuing education event, fellowship recipients are to write a report summarizing the learning of the trip/event/program and articulating how this experience will benefit their practice of ministry. While a copy must be forwarded to the synod office for inclusion in your personnel file, please write this report in such a way that benefits you and gives focus to how your new insights will enhance your ministry.
- Trexler grant recipients will be eligible to apply for another Trexler fellowship three years after the award of any previous grant.