Strategic Plan
For such a time as this: 2013-2023 Strategic Plan
Marked with the cross of Christ forever,
we are claimed, gathered, and sent for the sake of the world.
We're building a stronger synod
In 2012 our synod approved
our strategic plan that helps our congregations and leaders to be focused on the Gospel and prepared for ministry in the 21st Century. This strategic plan directs the work and resources of our synod through 2023.
MNYS Strategic Planning Committee Application
Do you have a passion for helping…
Young people find a faith for life?
Congregations with their facility, leadership development, or ministries?
Immigrants who need to see God’s love in challenging situations?
Confront racism in our society?
Provide wise counsel in managing finances?
Working on these issues in your congregation and community are a great way to share your faith. But do you have a sense God may be calling you to do even more?
The Metropolitan New York Synod has opportunities for you to serve more people, increase our impact, and deliver God’s Work, Our Hands to the Metro New York area.