First Time Visitors
Visitors to United Lutheran Church at Wartburg Chapel will find a warm embrace from members of this community. As we fulfill our mission to transport people from different parts of the campus to worship, we look forward to getting to know you and inviting you into prayer and service, as you feel called.
You are welcome to the table of Holy Communion when the Spirit of the Risen Christ calls you to partake in remembrance of Him. You may participate by taking the bread and wine, where we believe Jesus becomes present for us in this sacrament, or you may ask the pastor to bless you and your family at the table.
As you leave worship, you can take devotional materials home from the entrance table. The bulletin for the day will give you information for contacting Pastor Lile.
Service Times
Sunday at 10:30 am
Transportation for those on campus who need assistance:
As a resident or patient on the Wartburg Campus, you may request transportation to and from worship. Please call the receptionist or concierge in your building.
To/from Meadowview Assisted Living call the Concierge at extension 5444.
To/from Rehab call Reception at extension 5300.
To/from the Berkemeier Living Center please call the Assistant Administrator, Julia Joachim, during the week, and she can arrange for your loved one to attend on Sunday. You may reach her at 914-513-5115.
The best parking for Sunday worship is either just above the Chapel, between Rehab and Berkemeier Living Center, or down the hill, below the chapel in the lower parking lot beyond the Jahn Building.
Disability Services
Please speak to Pastor Lile about your needs. She may be reached at 914-513-5162.