United Lutheran Church warmly welcomes all members of the Huntington, Melville and surrounding communities to join us in worship and service.
Our collaborative effort brings together Gloria Dei, King of Kings, and St. Peter's Lutheran Churches, uniting as one congregation every Sunday at 10 am in the beautiful sanctuary at the St. Peter's Campus.
As a vibrant community, we not only gather for traditional worship on Sundays but also come together for special services during Advent, Lent, and Holy Week.
Our worship experience is a celebration of inclusivity, with Holy Communion at the heart of our gatherings—where everyone, without exception, is invited to share in the bread and wine.
We believe that, just as Jesus transcended barriers of gender, racial equity, ability, and status, we are called to love and welcome all as God loves us.
By God’s grace, we are saved and called to respond to that love by being instruments of reconciliation and justice in the world.
All are welcome at worship and our communion table:
Regardless of gender, LGBTQIA+ or straight; all are welcome.
Regardless of family structure, whether traditional, blended or chosen; all are welcome.
Regardless of racial identity, ethnicity or cultural background; all are welcome.
Whether single, married, divorced or widowed; all are welcome.
Whether you are rich, poor, or in between, like to dress up or dress down; all are welcome.
Whether you are old or young, able-bodied, or differently abled; all are welcome.
We celebrate our unity in Christ with all who share these values of inclusion and love.
Join us at United Lutheran Church as we walk together on a journey of faith, community, and outreach, embracing all who seek a welcoming and loving spiritual home.
ALL are welcome!