Please see some of our frequently asked questions below:

What can i expect when I come for worship?
When you walk into our worship space you will be greeted by one of our ushers and given a bulletin that contains everything you will need to follow and participate in the service. Caution! Lutherans love to sing so be prepared to lift your voice in praise of our Lord! Come on in and sit wherever you want, there are no reserved seats here. Our sanctuary is handicapped accessible, please use main sanctuary entrance on east side of building.


What should i wear?
Our congregation is on the casual side. While you might see some folks in dresses and jackets with ties, the majority of folks wear everyday causal attire. You’ll see jeans and sweaters in the winter and plenty of shorts and golf/tee shirts in the warmer months!


Are children welcome?
Children are always welcome here! Most of our families attend the 9:30 am children’s church and then stay for 10 am worship while their children attend Sunday School. Children age three years and up are welcome to join our Sunday School lessons. Click here for more information on Sunday School. 

For our younger worshipers we have an area by the main doors which is a dedicated space with seating for adults and children. There are puzzles, toys, and coloring books. Families with young children can sit together in this area and know that their children are occupied while they worship.


Am I welcome to receive communion?
Yes! ALL baptized Christians are welcome here. We believe that our communion table is the Lord’s Table. We believe that Christ is present in, with and under the elements of bread and wine. Come, receive Christ’s body and blood to remember that he died for our sins so that we may be forgiven and saved.


Are your social events open to the public?
All of our events are open to our community. Friends, family and neighbors are always welcome.


How do i become a member?
We welcome all those who wish to become more active and/or desire membership. Those wishing to join our community of faith are invited to attend some information sessions prior to joining the congregation.
