
Results: 275 Articles found.
  • stlogobig

    St. John's Journal: Cross Words Dec/Jan 2020

    Sure, we all know that Advent is a time of waiting, and preparing, for things that are yet to come. And we do that pretty well. …Do we ever do that too well? That’s what Paul kept trying to tell the congregation in Thessalonica: they were getting so caught up waiting for Christ’s return that they forgot to act at all!

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  • Kathy_Summers

    Kathy Freeman Summers appointed president and CEO, ELCA Foundation, and executive director, Mission Advancement

    Kathy Freeman Summers was appointed to a four-year term as president and CEO of the ELCA Foundation and executive director of the Mission Advancement unit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Her term began Oct. 1.

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  • Bishop_Eaton_2

    Mensaje de noviembre de 2019 de la Obispa Presidente Elizabeth Eaton

    Temporada de dudas. En su columna de noviembre para Living Lutheran, la obispo presidente de ELCA, Elizabeth Eaton, compara la duda con el invierno: puede parecer largo, frío, árido, aislado y solitario. Pero ella nos recuerda que la duda es parte de la fe y que Dios nos llevará durante el invierno.​

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  • The Chimes - Nov. & Dec. 2019

    Enjoy The Chimes, November and December 2019 edition, published by The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer.

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  • News from Portico

    This Portico update, from your Regional Representative, Pastor Cathy Schibler, includes information on Low 2020 Healthy Rate Increases, Benefit Plan Enrollment Dates, How to Earn Wellness Dollars, and much more.

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  • Bishop_Eaton_2

    Mensaje de septiembre /octubre de 2019 de la Obispa Presidente Elizabeth Eaton

    Debemos ser audaces. En su columna de septiembre / octubre para Living Lutheran, la obispa presidenta de la IELA, Elizabeth Eaton, reflexiona sobre la Asamblea de la Iglesia de 2019, diciendo que las acciones tomadas se basaron en "nuestra comprensión bíblica y confesional de quién Dios elige que seamos". En Milwaukee, dice: “Salimos con fe”.

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Results: 275 Articles found.