
Results: 275 Articles found.
  • Bishop_Eaton_2

    Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton's September/October 2019 Message

    We are to be bold. In her September/October column for Living Lutheran, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reflects on the 2019 Churchwide Assembly, saying the actions taken were based on “our scriptural and confessional understanding of who God chooses us to be.” In Milwaukee, she says, “we stepped out in faith.”

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  • First_Ev._Lutheran_Church

    The Lutheran Contact - October 2019

    Our world needs more humility, as Jesus, by the example of his life and death taught us. Our worldly lead-ers need more humility, as 16 year-old Greta Thunberg, the Swedish climate advocate, has shown us through her humble leadership, courage and sacrifice. I need more humility in my daily walk of faith. Be-cause it isn’t all about me, or you, or our political leaders. It is all about Christ’s sacrifice for our sakes: GRACE!

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  • stlogobig

    St. John's Journal: Cross Words

    Martin Luther understood that—adolescence and world crisis have been around a while. He developed the Catechism so that kids in his day would have tools to use to combat the tumult that faced them on a daily basis. Tumult changes, but the tools do not! Though I did not know it until I could look back upon it, the way I coped with my world was the same way Luther’s students coped with the world: Faith.

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  • Mensaje de julio de 2019 de la Obispa Presidente Elizabeth Eaton

    Hemos convertido los hechos en un arma y forzado la verdad al servicio de un punto de vista prejuiciado. Con gran frecuencia, las conversaciones ya no son intercambios de ideas y convicciones, sino descargas de acusaciones. Hay mucho ruido en este mundo, Dios misericordioso, incluso el nuestro que dice tener la verdad. Llévanos a un lugar de quietud donde podamos escucharte. Tu verdad nos ha reclamado y nos ha liberado.

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Results: 275 Articles found.